Why do men lose more weight than women?

A recent study by Medicadiet has shown what we all suspected already. The men and women do not slim pace and differences between the two genders face the same diet are remarkable. This work has revealed this after observing 900 individuals who have followed a weight loss diet for 3 months, and 360 patients who have followed it for 6 months.

While women lose an average of 4.5 kilos in three months, men lose up to 6.5 kilos, that is, two kilos more than they , which become 2.3 kilos of difference when the diet is maintained for six months. This difference also occurs in terms of volume. After three months men see their contour reduced 6.1 centimeters while women only 4.7 centimeters in three months. A difference of 1.5 centimeters that increases to 1.7 centimeters at six months.

These differences in weight loss between men and women are due to several factors. In the first place, more weight is lost when the starting BMI (Body Mass Index *) is higher , since a greater weight entails a greater metabolic expenditure and it is precisely men who go to the nutritionist with greater excess weight, 2 more points of initial BMI compared to women, who visit the specialist before a minor overweight.

In addition, the difference in muscle mass between men and women becomes a factor against the latter and, as Dr. Ana de Cos, an endocrine doctor and head of the Obesity Unit of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service at the University Hospital La Peace, men “have greater muscle mass (38% muscle compared to 32% in women), and therefore higher expenditure. Its body composition, with diets capable of maintaining muscle mass, facilitates weight loss. ”

On the other hand, women have better initial eating habits , with a more history of diets, while men have hardly done previous diets. Therefore, when initiating a change in habits, the scope for improvement is greater.

* BMI : The body mass index is a figure that allows evaluating the corpulence of a person by relating their mass to their height. Its interpretation is as follows (applicable only to adults): BMI from 18 to 25: normal weight; 25-30: overweight; 30 to 40: obesity; over 40: morbid obesity.]


by Abdullah Sam
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