Tachycardia: symptoms, causes and how to prevent them

The heart is one of the organs of the body that must always be working. On some occasions it may go faster or slower and depending on the circumstances this can be considered normal. But, when it changes the speed of the heartbeat for no apparent reason , it may be the sign of a health problem. This alteration is known as tachycardia.

In this article we will see what tachycardia is, what its symptoms are, and the best way to treat this condition.

What is a tachycardia?

The heart should beat on average about 80 times per minute . However, if the person performs a demanding physical activity, that amount could rise to almost double. The same thing happens when you experience a lot of stress. Conversely, when you are at complete rest, it could slow down to one beat per second.

But, if the speed increases to exceed 100 beats per minute, and there is no obvious reason for it , we are in the presence of a tachycardia. Although it is not a high-risk condition, it is necessary to attend to this symptom, because it could affect general health over time.

symptoms of tachycardia

The proper speed of the heart is essential for all organs to receive the correct amount of oxygen, so one of the symptoms experienced by the person with tachycardia is the deficiency of this precious element . In addition, the National Library of Medicine highlights other signs, which originate from this condition.

  • palpitations. These are directly related to the heartbeat, which speeds up and is therefore very easy to detect. You only need to put your hand on your chest to feel the heart rate.
  • pain. It usually occurs in the chest area.
  • Other evils. Some patients experience loss of oxygen, even going so far as to faint. Also, they may feel lightheaded during the episode of tachycardia.

In some people, even when they experience a high heart rate, they do not have any other symptoms . However, it is always recommended that you seek medical help.

Causes of tachycardia

There can be different reasons for the abnormal rapidity of the heartbeat to occur. Let’s see the most common.

  • arrhythmia. This disease itself is the cause of heart rhythm disturbances, so tachycardia could be a symptom of its presence.
  • Alcohol abuse. Some patients experience cardiac acceleration when they consume a lot of liquor. The same thing happens when a person who drinks frequently stops suddenly. Something similar happens with those who drink coffee in excess.
  • Alteration of minerals in the body. Some elements help the functioning of the heart, such as electrolytes. When the minerals that compose them are diminished, or their presence is very high, they can cause tachycardia.
  • Use of medicines. Some drugs may have this problem within their side effects.

These are the main causes of tachycardia. But, it is good to know that in some people they present this condition, it is impossible to know the reason, in their particular case.

How to prevent tachycardia?

Taking into consideration the causes of tachycardia, it is possible to point out some measures to minimize the risk of it appearing. These are some of the recommendations suggested by health professionals.

  • Have a good diet. Because the consumption of foods rich in fat can affect the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to reduce their intake, replacing them with those that have vitamins and minerals. And always in moderate quantities.
  • Exercising. This point is related to the previous one. It is important to combine a good diet with physical activity. In this way it is possible to reduce the presence of excessive fat in the body.
  • Avoid bad habits. It is necessary to stop consuming drinks that can cause damage to health, especially when done in excess, such as alcohol or coffee. It is also essential to completely avoid smoking cigars or tobacco.
  • Use medications appropriately. Although this problem as a side effect may not be completely controlled, it is more likely to be avoided or lessened if medical advice is followed when using drugs.

There are many other causes, which could get out of hand, but it is always worth doing what you can to keep your heart rate in check .

Treatment for tachycardia

When a person suffers from tachycardia, and this becomes frequent, it is necessary to visit a professional doctor. That way, you will know what to do to reduce this condition. In general, the recommendations are focused on reducing the cause that originates the alteration in the heart rate .

The health expert must first determine the cause of this disease . Once this is done, she will be able to indicate the treatment to follow. Among the options we could mention the recommendation to change some habits in your life, such as the consumption of alcoholic beverages or other similar ones.

He may also suggest taking teas that help relax the body , especially if the problem is due to excessive stress . Among the most recommended plants we find chamomile and valerian . It should be noted that the use of plants with psychotropic effects should not be carried out, among other things, because they can further alter the heart rhythm.

When the patient, due to an illness , is following a drug treatment, the doctor can indicate, if there is a relationship between the drug and the tachycardia, the use of another that is safer, or suspend its intake completely. However, this should only happen if the person’s health is not put at risk.

Tachycardia can occur in people of different ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles. For this reason, the help of a professional is always necessary to determine the best way to solve this problem. If its recommendations are followed, the chances of avoiding it altogether increase.


by Abdullah Sam
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