Phlebitis: What it is, symptoms and treatment

Phlebitis is a disease that mostly affects women. It is a painful condition that can recur, and is related to poor blood circulation . Taking these factors into consideration, it is vitally important to know what to do to alleviate the symptoms of this condition.

In this article we will talk about phlebitis, what it is, its symptoms, the causes and the best treatment for the patient, as the case may be.

What is phlebitis?

Phlebitis is an inflammation in the veins, generally associated with the accumulation of clots inside. It can be known as thrombophlebitis and can occur in two ways, depending on its location. It is superficial if it occurs in a vein close to the surface. Usually does not cause major damage. It can be produced by a blow.

Deep phlebitis, as its name implies, forms in one of the deep veins, such as those located in the muscles. Deep phlebitis is dangerous, being able to generate pulmonary embolism . It is possible that it is caused by surgery or prolonged sedentary lifestyle. Both conditions respond well to anticoagulant medications.

symptoms of phlebitis

The symptoms of superficial thrombophlebitis are more manageable and less dangerous. In addition, the vein sprouting and the redness of the area can be seen with the naked eye. Among these we find the following.

  • heat. It occurs in the affected area.
  • pain. Its intensity is mild or moderate.
  • redness. It is very easy to detect the damaged area because it acquires a reddish coloration.
  • Sensitivity. This symptom is related to the inflammation that causes phlebitis.

Some superficial thrombophlebitis may not cause symptoms . In the case of deep phlebitis, attention should be paid to the presence of pain, inflammation, tenderness and fever , which is usually mild. However, this condition has the ability to affect all the tissues that surround it, so the pain can be more intense and in a more extensive area.

If any of these symptoms occur, it is best to seek medical attention to get treatment that alleviates the discomfort , and to ensure that the condition does not cause complications. It is urgent to go to a health care center if a pulmonary embolism is suspected. This presents with breathing problems, tiredness and chest pain.

Causes of phlebitis

Phlebitis is caused by thrombi or clots that accumulate inside the veins . This occurs when a trigger disrupts normal blood flow and it slows down. There are many factors that can influence this process of slowing down the body. Among the most common, the National Library of Medicine indicates infectious diseases, injuries and traumas, postoperative side effects, estrogens, family inheritance of coagulation disorders, birth control pills, etc.

Thrombi are commonly formed by infectious problems . And injuries and surgical processes can favor the appearance of infections. In other cases, the action of certain drugs or diseases also influence the natural functioning of the body.

How to prevent phlebitis?

For those who are aware that they have blood clotting problems, prevention is your best ally. There are many things that we can take into account to promote circulation. It is recommended, as a first measure, not to spend a long time in the same position , be it sitting, lying down or standing.

Those who work in the same position all day, or who spend long hours traveling, should take precautions that promote good circulation, for example, drink plenty of fluids . People who remain inactive for a long time have as many chances of suffering from phlebitis as those who use a catheter or a pacemaker.

Massages, exercise, and moderate walks are very helpful. Support stockings can also be used. Swollen calves or ankles are a clear indication of this problem, so it is recommended to bend your legs a little, raising their position and then lowering them. This process should be repeated at least 10 times in an hour.

Treatment for phlebitis

This venous inflammation may improve on its own after certain procedures , for example, leg massages, warm baths, or warm wipes on the affected area. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help alleviate discomfort, and quickly gain mobility.

Let’s take a closer look at the medical treatments available to treat phlebitis, be it superficial or deep.

Anticoagulant drugs

Arixtra or Eliquis injections are used for deep vein thrombosis . These drugs prevent blood clotting . It is very important to follow the doctor’s instructions regarding the dose and duration of treatment, since they can cause heavy bleeding.


In cases where extensive deep vein thrombosis occurs, or in cases where thrombi have lodged in the lungs (pulmonary embolism), clot-dissolving drugs may be used.

In cases where superficial phlebitis is frequent, the recommendations on prevention mentioned above can be followed. Keeping the leg elevated, using heat packs, and wearing compression stockings are very helpful methods, and they can be done anywhere.


by Abdullah Sam
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