Dyspnea: Causes, diagnosis and treatments

The human body performs different processes on a daily basis. In the case of some, it is only when they have a problem that we pay attention to them. We have, as an example, breathing. We are able to do it almost without realizing it, but if we do develop dyspnea, at any of its levels, we must address the problem immediately .

What is dyspnea? What are your symptoms? What causes this disease? Let’s see the answers as well as the best treatment to control it in this article.

What is dyspnea?

When we talk about dyspnea, we refer to the inability of our body to inhale oxygen . In other words, it is when it becomes difficult to breathe. It can be complete or partial, so if a person manages to breathe, but feels trouble doing so, they probably have this disease.

As the University of Navarra Clinic points out, it is a disease that depends a lot on what the person feels when breathing. For this reason, they suggest that at any sign of related problems, consult your doctor.

Causes of dyspnea

The causes of breathlessness, whether mild or severe, can vary from person to person.

  • physical activity. It may be that after doing some exercise, even light, it is almost impossible to breathe. This situation is related to occasional dyspnea.
  • Body weight. Those who are obese are more prone to dyspnea. This is because the body is much more demanding in several of its functions.
  • Low temperatures. Especially if it is combined with height. The higher the altitude, the lower the temperature, so breathing is affected more and more.
  • Lung disease. There are many conditions that can interfere with the respiratory system, such as asthma, COPD, pneumonia , coronavirus, etc.

It should be borne in mind that if the discomfort lasts a long time, a week or more, then, probably, it can be a chronic disease . Among the causes of this condition we find cardiac dysfunction, pleural effusion, asthma and COPD .

Dyspnea can occur if the person is frequently exposed to high levels of stress and anxiety . Similarly, allergic reactions can alter the proper functioning of the respiratory system and, depending on their intensity, some may require the intervention of medical services.

How is dyspnea diagnosed?

There are many other causes that lead to dyspnea, so to determine if a person has this disease or not, the intervention of a health professional is necessary. He will have to carry out a complete study of the patient, requiring an interview in which specific details of the problem will be revealed.

Then, the physical examination will be carried out , giving priority to some organs, such as the heart and lungs. Among the tests that are recommended to be carried out, we find the following, according to the official page of the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

  • Blood evaluation. Priority will be given to the analysis of the condition of the circulation through the arteries.
  • effort. Since physical exertion can affect the ability to breathe, it is one of the evaluations that must be taken into account.
  • Lung function. It is necessary to know the condition of the lungs and how they are working.
  • Chest evaluation. To find out if the rib cage is in ideal conditions, a CT scan or an X-ray can be done.

Treatments for dyspnea

In most cases, we can all take steps to prevent the onset of breathlessness. The United States National Library of Medicine highlights some of them.

  • Quit bad habits. Tobacco use can greatly affect the lungs, so it should be stopped. Passive smokers should take similar measures.
  • loseweight The greater the fat present in the body, the more likely one is to suffer from dyspnea. That is why you should make an effort to lose weight.

Now, once the disease is already present , it is necessary to take other measures.

symptomatic treatment

As we have seen in this article, dyspnea can be caused by various causes, so in order to reduce its presence, it is necessary to first determine its origin. Afterwards, medications can be used to eliminate the problem that is leading the person to suffer from dyspnea. Let’s see how to act in the face of some conditions.

  • asthma. If the dyspnea is caused by this disease, then it will always be necessary to have an inhaler, which facilitates the recovery of the ability to breathe.
  • pneumonia. This is caused by bacteria, so the use of drugs with antibiotic properties can eliminate the condition completely.
  • Lack of oxygen. For some people, they are unable to inhale the oxygen they need on their own. In these cases, this element can be supplied thanks to oxygen therapy.

There are other ways to treat the disease, especially if the condition lasts for a long time.

breathing techniques

Although it is very likely that people with dyspnea will always need the help of someone else, it is also likely that they will be alone at some point, even for brief periods. It is for this reason that doctors recommend learning breathing techniques , essential to obtain the oxygen necessary to live.

The Dyspnea laboratory points out that this is one of the best aids that can be offered to patients. For example, some recommend imagining what a yawn looks like , which causes an almost instantaneous reaction from the body, leading to yawning and, at the same time, getting oxygen.

However, we remember that, before starting any treatment, it is essential to evaluate the patient. One of the best ways to do this is by taking into account what is indicated in the study Assessment of the patient with dyspnea. Measurement scales . This indicates the way to know exactly the level of dyspnea that the person presents.


by Abdullah Sam
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