Crabs: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

The presence of lice is an alarm signal for all people. These usually cause very unpleasant symptoms, itching being one of the most common. Now, the situation becomes even more complicated when they are in the intimate zone . These are what are commonly known as crabs.

What are crabs? What are the symptoms they cause? How is it diagnosed and what treatment does it require? We will see these answers below.

What are crabs?

Simply put, crabs are lice that are located mainly in the intimate area . Although the ones on the head are also insects, they are two different kinds, so neither type can appear in both places. In the case of the pubic, they can resemble a crab, but with a very small size, just 1.6 millimeters.

These feed on blood , so it is very likely that, after infection, the person will experience a lot of discomfort in the genitals, itching being one of the most common and intense. Also, the condition could worsen if it is combined with an infection, caused by another disease, or due to sores caused by scratching.

Symptoms of crabs

Itching is the main symptom caused by crabs. This is due to what they do to the skin, seeking to obtain blood, stinging and causing very intense discomfort, in addition to the discomfort that a condition in this area of ​​the body represents.

In addition, they can move to other parts of the body, reaching the legs, chest and eyelashes. In each place where they are located, they cause the same discomfort: intense itching, as well as burning and irritation , caused by the wounds they make on the skin.

The infection of the area of ​​the body with crabs is a symptom that is usually caused by the person himself, due to the need to scratch, leaving small wounds, which can be used by insects to lay their eggs. Since this is a serious problem, you need to take steps to completely eliminate it as soon as possible.

Causes of crabs

The presence of crabs is usually associated with sexual activity , and although this is true to a certain extent, the reality is that a person can be infected by various means, being sharing clothes, sheets or other objects with an infected person, some of them those many ways.

For this reason, the best way to prevent this condition includes several expert recommendations. These are the following.

  • Avoid sexual relations. We talk about not carrying them out with different people, in addition to making sure that the couple does not suffer from this problem.
  • Wash clothes well. If the presence of crabs is suspected, it is very important to wash clothes to eliminate the risk of contagion. It is essential that it be done separately.
  • Avoid close contact. The best way to completely avoid this disease is to avoid close contact with people who suffer from it, especially if we talk about privacy.

These are just some of the causes and measures related to crabs. If you already have this problem, it is best to consult a professional doctor.

Diagnosis of crabs

The easiest way to verify the presence of crabs in the body is to check the area . This way you can see very small insects moving in the area. The inspection of eggs can also be carried out , which are usually attached to the hair.

Health professionals recommend that, in the presence of this problem, free-sale products that have permethrin in their composition are used , an element that helps to extinct lice. This, in most cases, results in complete elimination of the condition.

crab lice treatment

Once the most frequent treatment, with permethrin, has been tried, a check-up with the doctor is necessary, although the cessation of negative symptoms in the intimate area is already proof that the condition has been eliminated. If it persists, it may be necessary to use other products , such as the following.

  • malathion. It is a lotion, which should be applied to the intimate area, left to act for several hours and then removed.
  • Ivermectin. The recommendation is to use this drug at one time, with the amount of 2 pills being suggested. In the case of people who do not obtain the desired recovery, the doctor may indicate a repetition of the treatment.
  • Vaseline. The use of this product is only when the presence of crabs, either in the eyelashes or eyebrows. In addition, it has to be applied gently, for which a cotton swab is recommended.

These products help eliminate the problem, but it is necessary to point out that they can cause side effects , due to how strong they are, skin irritation being the most common symptom. In addition, many precautions must be taken, with the aim of preventing the problem from returning. The National Library of Medicine highlights the following.

  • Have good hygiene. Even after the problem is eliminated, it is important to perform regular body cleansing to prevent pubic lice from finding their way back. This is especially essential in the intimate area.
  • Cleaning clothes. In order to completely eliminate the problem, it is effective to wash all the clothes well, and even take them to the dry cleaner. That way, if there were lice or eggs on them, they will be completely removed.

Doctors also recommend some tests to rule out the presence of STDs , especially when the person has had crabs. This is a solvable problem, but due to the unpleasantness of its symptoms, it is best to do everything possible to prevent it.