Anemia – symptoms, types and treatment

Anemia, or anemia, is a blood disease in which red blood cells are unable to carry enough oxygen. There can be several causes, while anemia is often influenced by diet. The basis of the treatment is to increase the intake of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid. In the article you will read about the causes, some types of anemia and its treatment.

Contents: Anemia – symptoms, types and treatment

What is anemia?


Causes of anemia


Symptoms of anemia


Types of anemia


Anemia in pregnancy


Treatment of anemia in general


Prevention and basic tips, or What to eat when anemic


Do not underestimate the symptoms of anemia


Anemia usually has a gradual onset. Basic symptoms that can help determine the diagnosis include conspicuous pallor, fatigue, reduced performance, weakness, and tachycardia.

What is anemia?

To a certain extent, there is a constant renewal of blood cells so that both blood cells and plasma are continuously created and destroyed at the same time. Approximately 50 ml of blood is thus renewed daily , so that in a year the volume of blood in the entire body is replaced 3x to 3.5x . The normal value of hemoglobin in the blood is 136 to 176 g/l for men and 120 to 168 g/l for women.

Anemia is a set of symptoms when the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and the concentration of blood dye (hemoglobin) are reduced in the blood. The hematocrit, which is the proportion of erythrocytes in relation to the total blood volume, is also reduced . However, it can also be a symptom that occurs in some pathological conditions.


Causes of anemia

  1. Disorder of erythrocyte formation– reduced erythrocyte formation can occur due to a lack of iron , vitamin B12, folic acid or erythropoietin.
  2. Increased loss of erythrocytes– anemia also occurs when more erythrocytes are destroyed than formed ( hemolysis ). This includes blood loss.
  3. An increase in plasma volume– this is a so-called relative (dilution) anemia.


Symptoms of anemia

Anemia usually has a gradual onset. Basic symptoms that can help determine the diagnosis include conspicuous pallor, fatigue, reduced performance, weakness, and tachycardia. Obvious manifestations of the anemic syndrome usually arise only when the hemoglobin drops below 70 to 80 g/l. Symptoms of anemia include:

  • pale skin and mucous membranes;
  • weakness, fatigue and decreased physical performance;
  • tachycardia, circulatory insufficiency;
  • reduced ability to concentrate;
  • orthostatic hypotension (short-term reduction in pressure caused by a change in position);
  • dizziness, headache, ringing in the ears;
  • edema of the extremities;
  • in hemolytic anemia, in addition, manifestations of hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells).




Types of anemia

Anemia can be divided into groups according to the cause. Each of them has specific symptoms, causes and treatment. The main division is based on the size of the blood cells – microcytic (small), macrocytic (large) and normocytic (normal-sized blood cells).

According to the concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, we can distinguish the following types of anemia – hypochromic (below 300 g/l), hyperchromic (above 350 g/l) and normochromic (300 to 350 g/l). Below we will review some types of anemia based on their causes.

·      Sideropenic anemia

Sideropenic anemia belongs to the microcytic subset, it is iron deficiency  anemia and is the most common type of anemia in our conditions. If the iron content in the body decreases, the total amount of hemoglobin also decreases and there is nowhere to bind the necessary oxygen. We get iron mainly from food – green vegetables, red meat, fish, legumes, eggs, milk.

The main causes therefore include a lack of iron in the diet, blood loss during menstruation, chronic blood loss, an increased need for iron during pregnancy or its reduced absorption in small intestine disease or after removal of the stomach. Symptoms include brittle hair and nails, a red, smooth tongue, concave-shaped nails, and puckering of the back of the throat. Treatment aims to eliminate the original cause by taking preparations containing iron (tablets). If iron is insufficiently absorbed, it is necessary to administer the drugs by injection.   It is necessary to investigate not only the free iron itself, but also the stored (ferritin) and bound to the transport protein (transferrin).

·      Anemia in chronic diseases

It appears in some diseases as one of the symptoms . We include rheumatoid arthritis, kidney and liver failure, chronic infections, malignant tumors and inflammatory diseases (e.g. Crohn’s disease ). The lifespan of erythrocytes is shortened and the production of erythropoietin (a hormone that stimulates the production of erythrocytes) is reduced. The level of iron is normal/increased, therefore it is aimed directly at the treatment of the disease itself , which caused the anemia. Sometimes the administration of erythropoietin can help the patient.

·      Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia (megaloblastic)

The body draws vitamin B12 mainly from animal sources – meat, fish, eggs, milk. One of the causes of B12 deficiency is therefore a low intake from the diet (especially in vegans). B12 deficiency also occurs in people with malabsorption in the small intestine, with a deficiency of intrinsic factor from the gastric mucosa, with pernicious anemia (more information below), after removal of the stomach, with disease or chronic inflammation of the pancreas. This type is classified as macrocytic.

·      Pernicious anemia (pernicious)

It is a macrocytic autoimmune disorder – laxity of the gastric mucosa and failure of intrinsic factor and increased production of gastric acid, which reduces B12 absorption. Symptoms come on slowly , so the diagnosis is often made at an advanced stage. These include malaise, fatigue, weight loss, pallor, or tingling in the limbs, which can lead to paralysis and impairment of brain activity. Vitamin B12 is administered here by injection.

Folic acid deficiency      (megaloblastic anemia)

Folic acid is a B vitamin, found in liver , yeast and green vegetables . The cause  may be reduced intake in advanced age, poor absorption, deficiency also occurs in alcoholics and premature babies. The symptoms are the same as for anemia and it is treated with folic acid tablets.

·      Aplastic anemia

It is a rare disease caused by bone marrow suppression. All blood components are formed in the bone marrow – the level of the components decreases during depression. Aplastic anemia is mostly acquired, but it can also be inherited. Other types of anemia can also be associated with its formation, but it can also be caused by anti-cancer drugs, etc. Treatment aims to remove the cause, followed by supportive care – administration of transfusions (blood components) and antibiotics. In severe cases , bone marrow can be transplanted, or immunosuppressive treatment can be started. This type is classified as normocytic, as well as the following ones.

·      Hemolytic anemia

In the disease, the premature breakdown of erythrocytes occurs in the spleen. This form shows increased production of erythrocytes and, at the same time, their increased breakdown. Causes can be divided into hereditary and acquired. Hereditary ones include a disorder of the erythrocyte membrane and a disturbed hemoglobin shape, while acquired ones include immune , non-immune and mixed causes. Symptoms include pallor, jaundice, and an enlarged spleen.

·      Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease that is manifested by a change in the shape of erythrocytes and causes unpleasant circulatory events. This disease usually appears already in childhood, especially among the inhabitants of the tropics and subtropics, where malaria is common. Symptomatic treatment, blood transfusion, hydroxyurea or bone marrow transplantation can be used here.



Anemia in pregnancy

Anemia is one of the relatively common, but essential problems during pregnancy. The increased need for iron and folic acid for both mother and child is to blame . A lack of iron in the mother is manifested by increased fatigue and poorer healing after childbirth, and in the fetus it can lead to poor development of some organs. Sufficient intake of folic acid then has a pivotal effect on the development of the nervous system and helps prevent neural tube defects in the fetus (e.g. spina bifida). In addition to a varied diet, both substances are therefore usually used during pregnancy in the form of dietary supplements.

Treatment of anemia in general

In general, it can be said that treatment focuses on the causes of a specific type of anemia. However, it is not excluded that these species intermingle. Therefore, a careful examination and determination of the number of erythrocytes, the level of hemoglobin, iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 is necessary . Furthermore, other possible diseases need to be ruled out by other methods. Only then can treatment be aimed at supplying components that the body lacks, or at another disease that is responsible for anemia.

Prevention and basic tips, or What to eat when anemic

A solid foundation for the prevention of anemia is a varied menu. He should not completely lack the two main sources of iron, namely meat and fish (beef, pork, chicken, fish, seafood). Eggs are a suitable alternative to meat . Legumes, fruits and vegetables are another no less important component of the menu At the same time, enough vitamins C , B12 and E are also crucial for the absorption of iron.

Do not underestimate the symptoms of anemia

Anemia, or anemia, is a blood disease in which red blood cells are unable to carry enough oxygen. This is a complicated issue that should not be trivialized. Unpleasant symptoms such as loss of energy, fatigue or dizziness are bothersome in themselves, but the consequences of anemia can be even more serious. It can lead to problems with blood pressure or heart failure, for example. Therefore, if you or your loved ones notice anemic symptoms, go to the doctor immediately – you can also contact the experts from the EUC clinics.