Hemorrhoids are nodular enlarged blood vessels in the area of the anus and anal canal. They can arise, for example, as a result of increased pressure during stool, increased effort during defecation , during stool or increased pressure of the venous plexus in the rectal area during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids can be accompanied by itching, pain in the rectal area and bleeding.
Contents: Hemorrhoids: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Hemorrhoids are not unusual
How to recognize hemorrhoids?
Causes of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth
When to see a doctor?
Diagnosis of hemorrhoids
What helps with hemorrhoids?
Operating methods
Complications of hemorrhoids
Lifestyle modification and home treatment are often sufficient to relieve symptoms . In more severe cases, one of the microinvasive procedures or classic surgery can help with hemorrhoids .
Hemorrhoids are not unusual
Hemorrhoids are a relatively common disease. Roughly half of people around the age of fifty suffer in some form . Fortunately, there are many effective treatments available. Lifestyle modification and home treatment are often sufficient to relieve symptoms . In more severe cases, one of the microinvasive procedures or classic surgery can help with hemorrhoids .
How to recognize hemorrhoids?
Typical symptoms of hemorrhoids include problems in the anus area:
- bleeding during stool– bright red blood appears in the bowl or on the toilet paper,
- itching or irritationin the anal area,
- pain or swellingin the anus,
- lumpsaround the anus that may be tender or painful.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids also depend on where the disease manifests itself. External hemorrhoids appear under the skin in the rectal area. They may itch or bleed when irritated. In addition, blood can accumulate in the vein and form a thrombus, which is painful, swollen and inflamed.
In contrast, internal hemorrhoids are not visible and usually do not cause discomfort. However, mechanical stress caused by passing stool can damage the sensitive surface of the hemorrhoids and cause bleeding. Stool pressure can also cause an internal hemorrhoid to push out of the anus. Prolapsed hemorrhoids are a source of pain and discomfort, and a visit to the doctor is inevitable.
Causes of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can develop as a result of increased pressure in the rectal area , as the veins around the anus tend to change shape and increase in volume under pressure. The most common causes of hemorrhoids (that is, circumstances that increase the pressure on the veins around the anus) include:
- strong straining at stool,
- long sitting on the toilet,
- chronic diarrhea or chronic constipation,
- obesity,
- pregnancy,
- anal sex.
Medication and age play a role in the development of hemorrhoids . Hemorrhoids are more common in the second half of life due to, among other things, the deteriorating resistance of the venous system.
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Hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth
Hemorrhoids are among the unpleasant side effects of pregnancy and also complications after childbirth. The main culprits are the pressure caused by the growing fetus and the pressure exerted on the veins in the rectal area during childbirth. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth are also caused by increased hormone production and related constipation . Similar to other medicines, hemorrhoids can be treated with ointments and suppositories during pregnancy and after childbirth, but the choice should always be consulted with a doctor or pharmacist.
When to see a doctor?
Bleeding during stool is the most common symptom of hemorrhoids . It can, however, also be caused by other diseases, including colon and rectal cancer , so it is good to always consult a doctor and not automatically assume that it is “just” hemorrhoids. A visit to the doctor is also appropriate if hemorrhoids cause you pain, bleed, or if you only suspect them, points out MUDr. Petra Bomberová Kánská , general practitioner for adults and head doctor of the Doctor online 24/7 service.
Seek medical attention immediately if hemorrhoid symptoms occur along with significant changes in bowel movements or if the stool is black, tarry, or contains blood clots. This type of stool may signal bleeding from the digestive tract. If severe anal bleeding occurs, accompanied by dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting, call the emergency department. It can be a life-threatening condition .
TIP: Are you confused about where to go with hemorrhoids? Primarily, it is enough to contacta general practitioner. Based on the examination, he will recommend suitable treatment, or possibly refer you to another specialist (most often proctology, gastroenterology or surgery).
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Diagnosis of hemorrhoids
Diagnostics includes visual examination of the rectal area or manual examination of the affected area . The inside of the anus can be examined with an anoscope. A colonoscopy can also be performed for a complete examination of the large intestine, especially if other diseases of the large intestine are suspected.
What helps with hemorrhoids?
· Conservative treatment of hemorrhoids
Regimen measures depend on the cause of hemorrhoids. Emptying will make it easier to increase fiber intake by eating fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, nuts and seeds, and drinking enough water . If you are overweight or obese, you need to work on weight loss . In this, regular exercise will be a good helper , which also improves blood circulation.
Preparations in the form of ointment or gel can be used to treat external hemorrhoids . Internal hemorrhoids need to be treated with suppositories . Popular products include Hemagel suppositories , HemoStop gel and Alfalex ointment .
Natural treatment can also get rid of hemorrhoids , especially in the form of sitz baths . Oak bark or chamomile helps to soothe hemorrhoids , while lemon, lavender, rosemary or juniper oil strengthens the vein walls . Unpleasant but effective methods of treating internal hemorrhoids include garlic . Mix crushed garlic with olive or coconut oil, form the mass into small prisms, freeze and then use as suppositories.
· Treatment of hemorrhoids with microinvasive interventions
In more serious cases , a surgical solution is necessary . Currently, medicine most often uses so-called microinvasive procedures , which are less painful and the recovery time after them is shorter. In some cases, however, it is necessary to perform a classic operation.
The following treatment methods are also used to remove hemorrhoids:
o Barron’s ligature (strangulation with rubber bands):
The doctor chokes off the blood circulation in the hemorrhoid with a rubber band, and the hemorrhoid treated in this way will fall off by itself after about a week. This is an effective method of treatment, but the patient may perceive the strangulation as unpleasant and in rare cases it is accompanied by bleeding.
o Sclerotization
During the procedure, the doctor injects a chemical substance into the patient’s hemorrhoid, which restricts blood flow and shrinks the hemorrhoid. The method is completely painless, but unlike ligature, it may not be as effective and is more intended for the treatment of milder stages of the disease.
o Coagulation
Coagulation techniques use laser, infrared light or heat. The treated tissue dies and becomes scarred. The method does not have many side effects, but there are more frequent relapses after it than with rubber bands.
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Operating methods
If even micro-invasive procedures do not help or are not suitable for the given case, a classic operation for hemorrhoids is performed. It is a relatively large operation in the rectum, when the hemorrhoid is cut off. The operation is accompanied by bleeding and swelling and is painful. A gentler operation is performed for prolapses, but even here bleeding can occur.
Another variant is the HAL-RAR technique. During this painless procedure, the artery is ligated. Only the places of hemorrhoids are treated, so there is no surgical wound and recovery is also fast. Treatment with this method can be used both for individual hemorrhoids and prolapses.
Complications of hemorrhoids
Complications of hemorrhoids are relatively rare. Anemia can occur as a result of chronic blood loss caused by hemorrhoids . With it, a sufficient amount of healthy red blood cells is not formed and the blood is poorly oxygenated. Anemia is manifested by fatigue and weakness. Another complication can be a hemorrhoid. This prevents blood flow to the tissue and can lead to the death of the scarred tissue, so-called gangrene.