3 Strategic Alliance Characteristics In Companies

Strategic Alliance Characteristics In Companies.We start from the principle that all companies have commercial relationships with others, either as buyers, suppliers or as business partners at the same level. In in some cases it is an unstable relationship and in others; an alliance is observed strategy that ends in close cooperation and mutual dependence.

For a startup, the question of how to collaborate and work with others business is essential.

Each of the forms of cooperation has advantages and disadvantages. For example, provisional and not very intense relationships do not represent great obligations for any of the parts. Both will be able to terminate their association quickly and simply.

Close cooperation agreements are characterized by a high degree of interdependence. They are frequent in the case of highly specialized products and services or when it is of significant amounts.

A profitable business relationship or alliance should have the following Strategic Alliance Characteristics

– Situation of mutual benefit: both partners must obtain a reasonable part of the advantages of the situation; if there is no common incentive, the partnership will not be viable long term.

– Balance between risks and investments: alliances imply certain risks to the which are often neglected, especially when the business It works well. It is useful to consider the risks and their possible consequences in advance financial and, where possible, be included in the collaboration contract.

– Dissolution: there is always the possibility that in the business environment tensions. Faced with this, we must make sure to clearly define, from the beginning, the conditions under which the Agreement may be terminated or one of the parties decide to rescind it.

When preparing our Business Plan it is also important to start think with whom we are going to work in the future and in what way.it is necessary consider various elements regarding the organization. In the case of a “Start-up” no we will have to elaborate a complicated scheme. What really matters is that responsibilities have been divided between clearly and that there is a structuring simple with just a few categories: executive director, department heads and department staff. Everything else will be given by the new needs that outline the business activities. The organization must be flexible and capable to adapt to new circumstances. Is to be expected that during the first years we should restructure our company several times.

You can use the Business System to group and assign tasks and responsibilities of each of the areas. If we can maintain a structure simple, we can ensure that each of team members take care of specific tasks and perform them independently. Of course it will be necessary a certain coordination that allow for joint actions and make up for the absence of one of the members

by Abdullah Sam
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