The six keys to perfect running

For a few years the practice of running, jogging or running has become more than just a fad, given that more and more people are signing up to do this sport outdoors due to the multiple benefits it brings for health.

Much of its success lies in the fact that it can be practiced at any time, without being subject to the gym’s hours, and in the simplicity of wearing sports shoes and going out and running on the street. However, it is also necessary to take into account a series of guidelines so that the routine is not suspended and the training is not harmful to the body.

To practice this sport in the best possible way, the Krissia coach team offers a series of tips and tricks to get the most out of training and avoid the most common injuries and mistakes:

1.Patience: Running is a fairly aggressive discipline due to the large number of contacts with the ground. In the first outings it is normal not to be comfortable running. An adaptation period is needed that can last around a month, after that, you start to be comfortable with the workouts.

  1. Progressively progress: Especially for those who are sedentary. The ideal is to start by interspersing running and walking, that is, running for a minute and walking 3.
  2. Weight control: It is important to take care of ourselves in all aspects and not just exercise. Combining it with a balanced diet will allow us to start losing weight in a short time. In the event that a person has never run and is also overweight, the recommendation is to do an elliptical or exercise bike before starting to run.

4. Choose the material well: Running is one of the cheapest sports that exist. The kit must include tights and a breathable shirt and, above all, good sneakers . The ideal is to receive advice in a specialized store, since the footwear must adapt to the weight and footprint of each person. There are three types of footfall:

—Pronadora (when we step on the inside).

—Neutral (when we step on the central part).

– Supinadora (when we step on the outside of the foot).

5.Strengthen the muscles: In addition to running, it is important to strengthen the muscles. The ideal is to combine running with gym exercise to strengthen the muscles and visit the physical therapist to unload the muscles if we have many workouts.

6.Adapt the technique: Each person has a different way of running. It is necessary to adapt the running technique to the characteristics of each one.

Most common mistakes

It is very common for amateur runners to comment on errors during the exercise. From Krissia they warn about the most common problems during the race and their solutions:

  • Look and position of the head. The ideal is to align the head with our spine. Another common mistake is running with your shoulders overly tight. These should be relaxed, since most of the force is exerted by the lower body.
  • Arm flexion: Another common mistake is the position of the arms when running. And it is that these must have a flexion of about 90 degrees approximately, in addition, the line must go from the chest to the hip.
  • Hip position: The hip should remain elevated and aligned with the center of gravity. A frequent mistake of popular runners is to see that their hips are ‘falling down’ during the race.
  • The tread: It is important to work the tread. We have to step on the metatarsal area, avoid falling excessively on tiptoe and much less, heeling. This is another of the most common mistakes.
  • Running economy: We call running economy running at the same speed but using less energy. In this case, it is not so much a mistake as something that can be improved with practice.
  • Injury prevention: It is important to prevent injuries from the beginning and for this it is essential to strengthen the muscles involved when we run . And is that strength is a capacity that we have to combine with our resistance training, so as not to injure them and thus improve our performance.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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