10 School Coexistence Examples You Must Learn

School Coexistence can be defined as the ability established between human beings to relate to others in a framework where mutual respect and virtues such as reciprocal solidarity prevail. Coexistence requires that we must  understand each other properly, and accept the various differences and point of view that exist between people.

Rules of coexistence are needed to ensure that children’s rights are not violated and each person’s duties are not flouted. In this sense, it should be noted that the entire school community must be well aware of the rights and duties of each to avoid problems and conflicts.

10 School Coexistence Examples

Here are the following (although it may vary according to the criteria of each school):

1. Attend school punctually and regularly.

2. Go to class with good hygiene and health conditions. If the school establishes new hygiene measures, it is very important to follow them to ensure that all students (and their families) are in good health. Of course, parents should agree not to bring children to school when they are sick , as this could cause the rest of the class to catch their illness.
3. Maintain a correct attitude among classmates and teachers.
4. Respect the rights and dignity of any person in the educational center.
5. Show interest in studying , learning and the activities proposed in class.
6. Resolve problems and conflicts always seeking the common good of the educational center and without anyone being harmed.
7. Respect the physical and moral integrity of all the people in the educational center and the society to which the school belongs.
8. Maintain a good cleanliness attitude in the classrooms and in any layout of the school, taking into account health needs .
9. Do not throw objects at class or at classmates or teachers.
10. Mobile phones are prohibited in classrooms .
11. Smoking is completely prohibited inside the educational center for both students and teachers.
12. Be respectful of diversity .
13. Do not attack any person and always seek communication as a way to resolve conflicts.
Values ​​in social life are important such as: security, justice, equality, the common good, freedom, respect and even solidarity In the event that the rules are not met, it is also necessary to add negative consequences if they are not met.

What role do teachers play in knowing how to have a good school coexistence?

Within educational settings, both in schools and colleges, all staff, from the director, administrative staff, teachers and maintenance, play an important role since each of them has roles that tell students what coexistence is like.

Coexistence rules help prevent conflicts between members of a group or community. These, by sowing hostility, threaten the well-being of daily life, hinder the development of social goals and can even lead to tragic and irreparable outcomes.

Compliance with the rules of coexistence favors a peaceful environment, good communication and the assimilation of the values ​​of respect, tolerance, solidarity and camaraderie.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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