17 Examples of Politeness in the Family, School and Society

Examples of Polite Attitudes in Family, School and Society_ Politeness is a commendable behavior, courtesy is behavior/behavior that is friendly and respects the people around it. Polite behavior includes commendable words and deeds in behaving and treating others.

The Role of Politeness in Family, School, and Society

In everyday life there are many examples of attitudes that reflect the values ​​of courtesy, both in the family, school and community. Actually polite behavior is important for everyone to have and to practice in everyday life, that way peace and tranquility can always be maintained.

What are examples of good manners in the family, school and society that you should know and can actualize in your daily life? The following are examples of good manners in the family, school and society:

Examples of Politeness in the Family, School and Society

Examples of Politeness in the Family

  1. Not Loud When Talking to Parents

The first example of good manners in the family environment is not speaking in a high tone when talking to parents, preferably when talking to parents the tone / voice is made slow or soft.

  1. Kissing Parents’ Hands When Going to School

Every morning every child will definitely go to school to study, before going to school you should kiss your parents’ hand, because this is a form of politeness to parents.

  1. Listening to Parental Advice

Every parent certainly wants their child to be a successful person and become a child who is devoted to his parents. So that it is not uncommon for parents to give advice to their children, when parents give advice, it is better if you are a good child, you should listen carefully to the advice given by your parents.

  1. Ask for Permission Before Using Brother/Sister Items

In a family there are usually siblings, for example younger siblings or older siblings, sometimes older siblings use their younger siblings’ items or toys or vice versa. Therefore, if you want to use your siblings’ belongings, you should ask permission from the owner, because this is polite behavior.

  1. Knock on the door before entering your sister/sister/parents room

Sometimes we have needs with our brothers/sisters/parents, and not infrequently we want to meet them directly in their room. Before entering your sister/sister/parents’ room, try to knock on the door. And you should only enter the room after getting permission from your younger siblings/sisters/parents.

  1. Not Interrupting Parental Talks

In a family environment, it is common for deliberations to be held sometimes, so when parents/siblings are talking, you should not interrupt them. If you want to speak or argue, it is better to do it after the other person has finished speaking.

Examples of Politeness in the Family

  1. Respect the Teacher

The teacher is an unsung hero, the teacher’s duty is to teach and educate his students, not only to make his students intellectually smart in terms of attitudes and skills, the teacher also tries to make students more competent, therefore as a student it is very important to respect and respect the teacher so that it can be said that students are polite.


  1. Ask permission from the teacher if you want to leave class

Some of the reasons students leave the room while the learning process is in progress are for example because they want to go to the toilet or want to go to the canteen to buy a drink because they feel thirsty while attending class, before leaving the room you should ask permission from your teacher and you can only leave the room if allowed.

  1. Respect the opinion of friends

In learning activities the teacher usually applies the discussion learning method and gives every student the opportunity to express his opinion, when your friends express their opinions, respect your friends’ opinions even though what is conveyed is still wrong.

  1. Paying attention to the teacher’s explanation during the lesson

When the learning process takes place, the teacher will carefully explain the subject matter being studied to his students, when the teacher is explaining the subject matter, it is better if as a good student you should pay attention to the teacher’s explanation during the lesson. Paying attention to the teacher’s explanation is a form of politeness.

  1. Ask for Permission Before Using Classmates’ Items

In a class, sometimes we want to borrow/use classmate’s belongings, by the way, if you want to use classmate’s belongings, you should ask permission from the owner, because this is polite behavior.

  1. Don’t interrupt the teacher/friend’s conversation

In the school environment, it is common for deliberations to be held sometimes, nagh when other people are talking it’s best not to interrupt their conversation. If you want to speak or argue, it is better to do it after the other person has finished speaking.

Examples of Politeness in Society

  1. Respect for elders

One form of polite behavior in society is to respect elders, not only respecting parents but we should always pay respect to everyone who is older than you.

  1. Loving the Younger

As people or students who are older than other students, we should be kind to those who are younger, for example, I, as students or older children, love younger students or children.

  1. Not Interrupting Other People’s Conversations

In a social environment, it is common for deliberations to be held sometimes, so when other people are talking, you should not interrupt them. If you want to speak or argue, it is better to do it after the other person has finished speaking.

  1. Turn down the HP/TV/Speaker Volume when other people are praying

The Republic of Indonesia is a country that believes in God, everyone has faith and belief, when other people are carrying out their prayers, for example in Islam they are praying so it is best to turn down the volume of your cellphone/TV etc. to respect them.

  1. Greet and Greet Others Warmly

The last example of good manners in the community is greeting and greeting other people warmly to both known and unknown people, so that a sense of familiarity with others arises.

Those are  17 examples of good manners in the family, school and society , I hope this article can benefit all of you


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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