Sandra Abd’Allah-Álvarez Ramírez

Sandra Ramirez Abd’Allah-Alvarez ( Havana , December as September as 1973 ) is a researcher, writer, activist and antiracist afrofeminista Cuban blogger.

Activist for the rights of women, black people and people of African descent as well as the LGTBI community .


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  • 1 Biographical synthesis
  • 2 Publications
  • 3 Publications in academic magazines
  • 4 Publications in paper magazines
  • 5 Articles in Books
  • 6 Conferences and Presentations
  • 7 External links
  • 8 Sources

Biographical synthesis

  • 1996 . Degree in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Havana .
  • 2001 . She started out in activism, as a volunteer in the Cuban campaign against HIV / AIDS.
  • 2006 . He founded the blog Negracubana had to be , the first Afro-feminist in Cuba.
  • She worked for over 10 years as an editor and journalist for the Cubaliteraria website .
  • 2008 . Master in Gender Studies
  • 2008 . Diploma in Gender and Communication at the José Martí International Institute of Journalism .
  • 2008 . Mention of the Melanipa Contest, convened by the Félix Varela Center, Havana, Cuba, with the essay “Re-reading of Sara Gómez’s cinematographic work from feminist theory”, which is the result of my master’s thesis.
  • 2014 . Nominated by Deutsche Welle (Germany) as one of the best online activism blog at the BOBS-Best of Online Activism Awards.
  • It investigates about topics related to racism and racial discrimination in Cuba, in particular the representation in the media and in the arts of black women and men; the impact of the use of social networks on activism for the sexual and reproductive rights of people with gender identities and non-heteronormative sexual orientations; women in the use of ICT , the racial variable in the censuses in Cuba, women in hip hop, among other topics.
  • Founder of the Afro-Cuban Group : anti-racist fighters linked to art and culture who have brought to light the book Afro-Cuban: history, thought and cultural practices .
  • It develops the Directory of Afro-Cubans, where files are published with the life and work of women relevant to the history, sciences and culture of Cuba.
  • On social networks, he manages several pages related to Cuba, including: For Equal Marriage in Cuba , Yo Sí TeCreo enCuba and Cuba es Afro .


Sandra Abd ́Allah-Álvarez Ramírez has published in numerous digital and print media, including: Cuba Posible , Marea Magazine, Global Voices, Oncuba News , Pikara Magazine , Rebelión, Cubainformación , Cauce , Esquife , La Gaceta de Cuba , Topics , La Jiribilla , El Toque, Hypermedia Magazine and Hablemos de sexo y amor .

For Possible Cuba, he coordinated the following dossiers: Thinking Cuba from rap (2017), Silences and voices: a dossier on “misplaced women” (2017), For everyone and for the good of everyone: introduction to a dossier on Equal Marriage in Cuba (2018) and They call her a whore: an incomplete dossier on sex work in Cuba (2018).

Sandra Abd ́Allah-Álvarez Ramírez is a member of the Black Americas Network and Latinoamerican Studies Association (LASA).

Publications in academic magazines

Sandra Abd’Allah-Álvarez Ramírez: “Riding the Digital Donkey: Blogs, Newsletters, and Other Specimens Available to the Cuban Anti-Racist Movement,” Cuban Studies (Special Issue Dedicated to the Afro-Cuban Movement), University of Pittsburgh Press, Volume 48, 2019, pp. 387-393

Sandra Abd ́AllahÁlvarez Ramírez: Some Questions About a Post Blockade. Cuba Special Issue of the Journal The Black Diaspora Review: The Future of African Diaspora Studies in Cuba. Vol. 5. No. 2, Feb. 2016).

Sandra Álvarez Ramírez: “Habana Noir”, Cuban Studies, University of Pittsburgh Press, Vol. 42, 2011.

Publications in paper magazines

Sandra Álvarez Ramírez: “Elogio de la Altea, the raciality in discussion”, Issues No. 79, 117-119, Jul-Sep 2014.

Sandra Álvarez Ramírez: “Slavery and naked bodies. The sexuality and beauty of black women ”, Sexology and Society , Editorial Cenesex , 2014

Sandra Álvarez Ramírez: “Women, race and Caribbean identity. Conversation with Inés María Martiatu”, La Gaceta de Cuba , No.1, January-February 2010, pp.42-45.

Articles in Books

Sandra Abd ́Allah-Álvarez Ramírez: “Practices of Resistance and cyber feminism in Cuba”, Practices of Resistance in the Caribbean. Narratives, Aesthetics , Politics, Routlegde, NY, 2018.

Sandra Abd ́Allah-Álvarez Ramírez: “Einige aktuelle Fakten über die kubanischen Frauen”, Arbeitsbuch zum Weltgebetstag 2016 . Ideen und Informationen, Germany, 2016.

Sandra Abd ́Allah-Álvarez Ramírez: “Conscious Cuban Rap: Krudas Cubensi and Supercronica Obsesión”, in La Verdad: An International Dialogue on Hip Hop Latinidades, Edited by Castillo-Garsow, Melissa, 1984-; Nichols, Jason, 1978-, The Ohio State University Press, 2016.

Sandra Abd ́Allah-Álvarez Ramírez: “We are not just boobs and buttocks”. Dissident Feminities in Cuban Hip Hop in Anol erol decolonial , Raúl Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet (comp.), Ediciones Signo, Buenos Aires, 2015.

“Cuban Black Women:” Identity, Racial Stereotype and Representation in the Media “, in Women Past and Present: Biographic and Multidisciplinary Studies , Maria Zina Gonçalves de Abreu, Seteve Fleetwood, Cambridge Scholoars Publishing, 2014.

“The color of the skin in the censuses in Cuba”: Report on the situation of Afro-descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean, Epsy Campbell et al, Afro-Descendant Institute for Study, Research and Development Association , San José, Costa, 2014.

“The color of the skin in the censuses in Cuba”: Situation of Afro-descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean: Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Uruguay. The inequality reflected in the censuses , Epsy Campbell et al, Association Afro-descendant Institute for Study, research and Development, San José, Costa, 2013.

“The contribution of Sara Gómez” in Afrocubanas: history, thought and cultural practices , Daysi Rubiera Castillo and Inés María Martiatu Terry (ed.) Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Havana, 2011.

Conferences and Presentations

  • LASA 2019. Boston, United States of America, May 2019.
  • Brava Theater. San Francisco, California, United States of America, May 2019.
  • University of Puerto Rico. Río Piedras Campus, May 2019.
  • Universität der Künste Berlin, February 2018.
  • Universität Bielefeld, February 2018.
  • Iberoamerikanische Kulturtage zum Thema Afrika in Lateinamerika, Stuttgart, October, 2017.
  • Lateinamerika Institut, Frei Universität Berlin, Germany, June, 2017.
  • Spam Filter: Neue & alternative Medien auf Kuba, Pavillon, Hannover, Germany, December, 2016.
  • Wir brauchen Feminismus! -Frühstück, Hannover, Germany, October, 2016.
  • Passauer LateinAmerikagesprächen, Mayo, Universität Passau, Germany, 2016.
  • “Afro-Caribbean and Indo-Caribbean Practices: Social Fields and Decolonial Options” within the Socare Conference, Universität Bielefeld, October, 2015.
  • Lateinamerika Institut, Frei Universität Berlin, May, 2015.
  • Wikipedia Umschreiben, Pavillon, Hannover, December, 2014.
  • International Colloquium “A Mulher em Debate: Passado e Presente”. Madeira University, June 2011
  • London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, 2010.
  • University of West Indies MONA, Kingston, Jamaica, 2009.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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