Abd el-Krim

Abd el-Krim or Abdelkrim. Leader of the resistance against the Spanish and French colonial administration in the Rif and president of the short-lived Rif Republic ( 1923 – 1926 ). He was born in Axdir , Al Hoceima province , Morocco in 1882 and died in exile in Cairo , ( Egypt ) on February 6 , 1963 at the age of 81.


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  • 1 Biographical synthesis
    • 1 Trajectory
      • 1.1 Rif Release
      • 1.2 Hispano-French counteroffensive
      • 1.3 Deportation
    • 2 Death
  • 2 Sources

Biographical synthesis

Belonging to the Rif tribe of Beni Urriaguel , he was the son of a qadi. After receiving an education in Tunis and Fez , he served the Spanish colonial administration in various capacities. His first activities against colonial penetration landed him in jail in 1915 .


Rif Liberation

It was in 1921 , already converted into the maximum anti-colonial leader of Morocco , when he organized the general uprising of the Rif. The Spanish troops, defeated at Annual , had to retreat, while Abd-el-Krim set himself up as emir of an independent territory. By extending his ambitions to the part of Morocco under French rule, he provoked an understanding against him between the two European metropolises.

Spanish-French counteroffensive

The Spanish-French counteroffensive, starting with the landing of Al Hoceima ( 1925 ), led to the defeat of the Riff in 1926 . The taking of the city of Axdir, Abd el-Krim’s headquarters, by the French marshal’s troops, precipitated the fall of the Riffian leader. When everything suggested that he would be captured by the Spanish, on May 22 , Abd el-Krim decided to surrender to the French authorities after ordering the assassination of all the Spanish prisoners.


By agreement between the Spanish and French colonial authorities, Abd-el-Krim was deported to the island of Reunion, a French colony in the Indian Ocean , where he remained until 1947 . In that year, authorized by the French government to move to the metropolis, he managed to escape during a stopover in Port Said from the ship that was transporting him, availing himself of the protection of the Egyptian king Farouk .


He maintained his fight from exile against colonial rule until 1952 , shortly before the total independence of Morocco in ( 1956 ). Despite the honors granted him by the first Moroccan king, Mohammed V , he refused to return to his country and remained in Egypt until his death on February 6 , 1963 , becoming a symbol of Arab nationalism


by Abdullah Sam
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