Abax parallelepipedus

Abax parallelepipedus. Family Class Insecta carabidae and live in much of Europe to the south of Scandinavia and North America , especially in humid forests.


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  • 1 Morphology
  • 2 Habitat
  • 3 Feeding
  • 4 Source.


These beetles are up to 2 centimeters in size and cannot fly because they lack hind wings. They are black. The elytra are bright in males and dull in females, and have deep longitudinal striations and in the posterior part of the pronotum, which is wider than the previous one, it shows two pairs of deep elongated dimples separated by a longitudinal channel.

The females lay their eggs on the ground and the larvae can be found under rocks and in decaying wood.

The winter is spent in the larval or adult.


They are distributed throughout much of Europe south of Scandinavia and in North America , especially in humid forests with a preference for beech trees. Adults can be seen between April and September on moss, stones, dead wood bark, or on rotting logs.


They have nocturnal habits and both adults and larvae feed on various insects and snails .

by Abdullah Sam
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