The Qur’an as the Last Holy Book

This morning Mr. Ihsan has a schedule in the fifth grade, at which time the material teaches about the books of Allah, which was revealed to His prophets and messengers. However, because of an event that cannot be left behind, finally Mr. Ihsan has not been able to finish the material he delivered to the children.

On this occasion, Pak Ihsan wanted to deliver the latest material about the holy book to his students, the Qur’an. This book contains the words of God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, through the angel Gabriel gradually.

In addition, reading the Qur’an is a form of worship, which of course also gets merit. One letter is equal to getting ten benefits As explained yesterday, Mr. Ihsan reminded that this Qur’anic book is always guarded by God until the end of time

A Brief History The descent of the Holy Qur’an

The holy book of the Qur’an was revealed gradually, namely for 22 years two months and 22 days. In it there are 30 juz, 114 letters, and more than 6000 verses. The first time the verse was revealed was Surah al-‘Alaq, ie verses one through five, at which time the Prophet was in the Cave of Hira ‘.

As explained in Surah al-Qadr verse one, that the holy book of the Koran was revealed at night of Laylat al-Qadr. Pak Ihsan also gave a statement that the decline of verses from the Koran itself, was divided into two, some were revealed in the city of Mecca and some were revealed in the city of Medina.

The descent of the Koran at that time also gradually had some wisdom. Among other things so that the verses of the Koran are easy to understand, easy also in memorizing, and make it easy for human beings to carry out their contents.

Related articles:  Learning to read and write al-Qur’an Surat al-Fatihah and Surat al-Ikhlas

Other Names of the Holy Qur’an

The Qur’an also has several other names, including:

  1. Al-Huda, which means a clue. Directions for all mankind and for those who fear Allah
    Al-Furqaan , which means a differentiator. The book that distinguishes between the haq and the false.
    3. Al-Bayan , which means as an explanation. As an explanation of everything or problems that do not find a solution or a solution.
    4. An-Nuur , which means light. Light that illuminates so that it can make humans out of the darkness
    5. Al-Syifaa ‘ , as a medicine. The book in which there is an antidote and healer for the human mind or spirit. So reading it can make you physically and mentally healthy.

Important Content in the Holy Qur’an

Pak Ihsan then explained that the Holy Qur’an has important values ​​contained in it, including the following:

  1. Monotheistic values ​​and faith, related to beliefs and beliefs of humans
    The values ​​of worship mahdhahand mu’amalah, worship that is directly related to God Almighty, or which relates to fellow human beings.
    3. Morals towards fellow human beings and other creatures created by Allah, whether living or not
    4. History of prophets and apostles and human beings who lived in earlier times
    5. God’s promises and warnings to those who always do good or vice versa
    6. Legal values, ranging from mandatory, sunnah, mubah, makruh, or halal and haram.
    7. Knowledge is so broad, both in the sky or on earth, or even to the extent that it has not been revealed by humans.
    8. Universal value, so it always applies until the end of time

The Last Book Perfecting the Previous Books

After explaining at length about the book of the Koran to his students. Pak Ihsan immediately sat down, while rushing for recess and gave a little conclusion to his students that the Qur’an is the last holy book revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

As a Muslim, of course it is mandatory to learn and practice it. Whether it’s studying the letters, then the sentences, up to the language. Then all that remains is to practice from what has been learned from the holy book of the Koran.

The Qur’an is also a Complementary Book and the Complete Book of the previous books. Besides containing a good relationship between God and His creatures. followed by good relations between beings

The Qur’an also teaches us all to maintain contact with nature. Do not let this nature is damaged due to human activities. as explained QS. al-A’raf (7): 56

… .وَلَا تُفۡسِدُواْ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ بَعۡدَ إِصۡلَٰحِهَا


“And do not do any damage on earth, after (Allah) has repaired it …

by Abdullah Sam
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