PUBG Mobile: Secret Basement Locations in Erangel 2.0

PUBG Mobile has brought a new Erangel 2.0 remastered map with many changes and additions. Also, there are a lot of new basements with amazing supplies throughout this map. Take a look at some secret basements in PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.0 here .

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Top Secret Basement Locations in Erangel

The secret basements in PUBG Mobile Erangel have a ton of good loot. Plus, you can use them as a hideout to avoid combat when you’re not ready. Here are some basement spots you should know about:

Kameshki’s Secret Basement

You can find a basement on the ground under a wooden door. He’s in a one-story house next to the tallest house in this city. The secret basement is found underground within a small room. Another door in this basement is outside the house.

The secret basements in PUBG Mobile Erangel have a ton of good loot.

Secret basement west of Quarry

There is a secret basement outside the one-story house in blue in the small town west of Quarry . The house has higher foundations than other houses in this town. Another door from this basement is placed inside the house. Therefore, you can escape the house through this basement if the enemies rush into this house.

These basements can be found in small residential areas

Secret basement west of Ruinas

There are two houses to the west of the ruins , near Georgo Hill . The secret basement here has the same structure as the basement to the west of the quarry. It also has two doors, one outside and one inside the house.

Four of them are two-door basements

Secret basement west of Stalber Hill

Another secret basement is in a small residential neighborhood west of Stalber Hill. The outer door is located in the corner of the wall of the blue house. Furthermore, the other door also leads to a room inside the house.

The outer door is in the corner of the wall

Secret basement northeast of the ferry dock

Northeast of the ferry dock, near the Sosnovka Bridge , there is a secret cellar under the largest house in this area. This basement also has two entrances to enter and escape.


by Abdullah Sam
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