Fortnite Intruder Locations: How To Eliminate Intruders

One of this week’s Fortnite challenges requires players to “take out two intruders.” The tricky part of this challenge is figuring out where to find the intruders in Fortnite and then eliminating them before another player does, or worse, kills you. In this guide we will explain all the Fortnite Trespasser locations and how to remove them easily.

What are intruders?

The intruders are the aliens that can be found stealing the smaller UFOs on the map, or they can disguise themselves as friendly NPCs.

The easiest way to find them is to look for the flying UFOs as it is very difficult to tell which friendly NPC is actually a disguised intruder without walking towards each of them.

Fortnite intruder locations

Intruders can be found at any named location that glows purple on your map. In the screenshot below, for example, you’ll find them at Boney Burbs, Slurpy Swamp, and Retail Row.

As we mentioned earlier, intruders can also disguise themselves as friendly NPCs found on the map. While you can try to find one, it is much easier to just look for the UFOs floating around the map.

How to eliminate intruders

To easily take out intruders in Fortnite, simply head to a named location that glows purple on your map. When you get here, jump off the battle bus and land on one of the UFOs flying overhead.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to take out your combine harvester and use it to deal damage to the UFO or Fortnite intruder in the cockpit.

If you deal enough damage to the UFO, it will crash to the ground and the intruder will come out. At this point, you can use your combine (or other weapon ideally), to deplete your health. Headshots will do light work too, so aim for the head.

That’s all you need to know Fortnite Intruder Locations . For more tips, tricks, and guides, head over to our wiki or check out more of our coverage below.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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