Psychotherapy: what is it, what is it for, who is it for, how does it work?

Some words enter our vocabulary and become part of our daily lives without paying enough attention to what they actually mean. Psychotherapy is one of those words. This text aims to explain what psychotherapy is, what its objectives are, how it works and what people this treatment can benefit.

What is psychotherapy?

The word psychotherapy has a Greek origin. Psykhé means mind, Therapeia means healing or restoring something that has been lost. So, in general, psychotherapy is a treatment that seeks to cure mental illnesses, psychological disorders and reestablish people’s mental health .

Therapy is the part of medicine that is dedicated to the care offered to patients and the choice of the necessary treatment. Psychology incorporated this term into its repertoire of concepts, adding the prefix “psycho”. Therefore, psychotherapy is a method of psychological treatment that is dedicated to offering care to people, couples , families or groups who are in emotional distress.

There are several types of psychotherapy and the psychologist chooses the psychotherapeutic method according to the theoretical line that follows in his professional practice. But, you who seek the services of the psychologist, do not have to worry about it.

The theoretical lines have their particularities, similarities or differences between them, however, all of them are capable of caring for people and all work with a view to achieving cure or relief for the suffering that motivated the search for psychological treatment.

Phenomenological-existential psychotherapy

In my case, I chose the existential approach and the phenomenological method to support my clinical practice. Because I have directed my studies more deeply in this theoretical line and in this method, I will continue this text with this perspective as the guiding thread of the information that I will describe.

Phenomenological-Existential Psychotherapy is the therapy about which the psychologist leads the patient to reflect on his attitudes, his speech, his beliefs and his way of relating to life events and people. What differs the dialogue in the context of psychotherapy from the other conversations we have in the most varied social environments, is the empathic attitude, the understanding and judgment-free listening by the psychologist.

The psychologist works so that the patient gets in touch with his anguish and suffering, helping him to understand the meaning and meaning of his feelings and experiences. Once understanding is achieved, the goal is to find ways to alleviate and / or deal with suffering.

It is also important to clarify that psychotherapy is a treatment that happens with the collaboration of both: psychologist and patient. It is a job that needs the participation of everyone involved, where each has its role and importance in the development of the entire psychotherapeutic process.

Objectives of psychotherapy: what is it for?

The therapeutic process aims to expand the patient’s perceptual field, helping them to acquire a more comprehensive world view.

The change in the perceptual field, that is, in the ability to perceive and understand what happens around you, in your daily life, in your relationships, is necessary so that the person can re-signify the facts that are causing him suffering, thus being able to open up for new existential possibilities.

Psychotherapy can help people to find ways to relate to themselves and the world in a more pleasant, healthy and less painful way. It will also take the person to a greater knowledge of himself, making him able to perceive his qualities, his individual potential and his ways of living in the face of this world, thus valuing his existence.

It also aims to promote personal growth and cure certain symptoms. By conducting the appropriate treatment, it is possible to restore the patient’s emotional health and promote well-being.

In the case of people diagnosed with some type of mental disorder, such as:

  • Anxiety,
  • Depression- Sadness ,
  • Eating disorder,
  • Panic Syndrome,
  • Stress,
  • Phobias,
  • Bipolar disorder,
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder and others.

In addition to the objectives of psychotherapy described above, psychoeducational work will also be part of psychological treatment. This intervention aims to inform the patient and, if necessary, also his / her caregiver (s), about his / her disease and treatment options.

In general, we deal better with the situations we know, so this is the goal of psychoeducation: to offer the patient in a didactic way and within the reach of his understanding, information about his illness and about the treatment options so that he, with the support and guidance of the psychologist, build more effective “tools” to deal with your illness, so that you commit to the treatment (s), so that the duration and intensity of the crises decrease, so that you avoid a large number of hospitalizations and to prevent the occurrence of new episodes.

Which people can undergo psychotherapy?

In short, we can say that there is no contraindication for psychotherapy . Psychologists and psychology clinics offer play therapy (for children), individual psychotherapy for teenagers , youth, adults and the elderly, psychotherapy for couples, families and groups.

There is a point that I cannot fail to mention: unfortunately, mistakenly, the idea still circulates that psychotherapy is intended only for people with mental illness or worse, only for “crazy people” – a term used in a derogatory tone.

Psychologists and several health professionals have been working to correct this erroneous idea that only hinders and generates prejudices in relation to treatment. Anyone, whether or not they have a mental or behavioral disorder, may need or wish to undergo psychotherapy . This is because psychotherapy can have a preventive, diagnostic or curative character.

The psychology is the science that deals with studying the phenomena, mental states and processes; human behavior and its relations with the social environment. So, all complaints related to the functioning of the mind, to human behavior and to the ways in which human beings relate to the world, to people and to themselves can be issues to be addressed and treated in psychotherapy.

How does psychotherapy work?

It is common for psychotherapy to begin with an Initial Interview. This Interview aims at the patient presenting their complaint to the psychologist, that is, which situations, symptoms or issues motivated the search for psychological treatment. In addition, there is also space for closing the service provision contract.

This contract is agreed between the parties and according to the professional’s assessment:

  • The number of consultations that will be required per week;
  • The duration of each meeting;
  • The establishment of the day (s) and time (s) of consultations;
  • The form of assistance (in person or online);
  • The rules regarding absences, delays and redials;
  • The amount and form of payment and clarification regarding professional secrecy.

The most common is that the consultations happen weekly and last 50 minutes, but there are other possible configurations, depending on the need of each case.

Once psychotherapy is started, it can maintain the same configuration from the beginning to the end of the treatment or present changes during its occurrence, always in common agreement between the parties and according to the needs of each patient.

The duration of treatment is subject to several factors, such as: the patient’s clinical condition and the demands chosen as complaints to be treated, commitment to treatment, attendance at consultations. Without forgetting that each person is unique, then the time for progress is particular.

Finally, it is important to clarify that at any time the patient will be able to ask any doubts about the contract and treatment directly with his psychologist. The latter, in turn, must provide services in compliance with the Code of Professional Ethics and all other relevant laws, resolutions and regulations.

I hope I have helped to clarify what psychotherapy is and its important role in rescuing or maintaining people’s mental health. Always take care of your physical and mental health!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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