10 products for children with a good inci

Products with a good Inci for kids? Which ones to choose to be sure not to spread crap on the delicate skin of our children? Fortunately, there are many green alternatives on the market and with good inci that we must be able to recognize in the sea of ​​products for the little ones that would be better avoided instead.

Everything is played in the composition of the product and therefore in the list of ingredients ( INCI ) that we recommend you learn to read or keep available when you go shopping the apps that assign each component a color: green (okay), yellow (acceptable) or red (unacceptable).

Hand and bottom cleaner – Gently

Gently is a brand sold in the Todis supermarket which also offers a line of baby products with excellent value for money and good inci . The hand and bottom cleaner is just one of many products that range from shampoo and shower gel, change creams, wipes and more. You can see the Inci of this product here.

Anthyllis – moisturizing milk cream

Pierpaoli offers an interesting line of green products for children. It is called Anthyllis and is now found in several traditional supermarkets, although often only two or three solutions are available and not all products for the hygiene of the little ones. Among these is the moisturizing milk cream , ideal for hydrating the skin after a bath, and a mosquito repellent .

Ecological bath for body and hair – The Provencals

Even the Provencals worked hard to create a biological line for children with good inci . Among the products, also often present in normal supermarkets or in chain stores for hygiene and cleaning, we find the ecological body and hair bath of which you can see the inci here .

Baby pasta – Fitocose

Fitocose is an Italian brand of natural cosmetics that is beginning to be increasingly known and appreciated. It is not always easy to find its products in stores and the best way to buy is undoubtedly to connect directly to their website. For children and babies there are not many products available but among these there is zinc oxide baby pasta, useful for changing diapers and to soothe the irritations of children . You can see product description and inci here .

Children’s shampoo – Antos

Antos is a cosmetic company that offers a completely natural baby shampoo , together with other products for the hygiene of the little ones with good inci. It is not always easy to find shampoos, shower gel and other solutions available, but if you want to try their line on their website, the list of retailers divided by region is available . Here the inci of the Antos baby shampoo.

Change wipes – Gently

Changing wipes are a must for all mothers struggling with diaper changes, especially when they are away from home. The Gently offers those for changing but also multipurpose wipes in two formats: a larger one and a pocket-sized and compact one convenient to put in your handbag. All with excellent inci , of course.

Sweet almond oil

It is not said that to take care of your children you need to buy specific products for the little ones. Even a simple sweet almond oil , as long as it is pure and organic, can be an excellent solution instead of moisturizers and the whole family can use it. Just spread it after the bath or shower on the still wet skin to have an emollient and moisturizing effect.

Shea butter

Even the shea butter of any brand as long as pure and organic, is a product suitable for the whole family and even infants . Excellent instead of diaper changing creams and for use on redness and dry skin problems. A very small amount is enough given the high percentage of fat it is made of.

Rice starch

Another product that must never be missing from the kit of products for our children is rice starch to be dissolved in the hot water of the bath but also with which to make a baby food to be applied to the skin to soothe irritations and rashes. Also in this case it is important to choose a bio product and not added with any other substance.

Homemade talcum powder

With rice starch (or corn starch) you can make a homemade talcum powder, to avoid buying ready-made ones and be so sure not to put any crap on your children’s skin. 2 tablespoons of starch and 1 tablespoon of baking soda are enough to mix well together and keep in a tightly closed jar. Consume within a few months


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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