How to play the merchant at the fair

We can do the countdown: there is very little left for the festive Christmas day  . Have you decorated the tree, created an extraordinary Nativity scene, organized the menu… and are you ready from a playful point of view? Certainly, among the  typical games  of family play on Christmas evening   , the timeless Mercante in Fiera , a card game based on figures , ranks first  .

The rules for playing the  Mercante in Fiera  are very easy, but if you have never played in a row, you will find out  how to play the Mercante in Fiera .

Instructions  on how to play the Merchant at the Fair


  • A deck of Mercante in Fiera cards   or two identical decks, such as the classic French cards

Purpose of the game

  • At the end, remain with a card equal to one of the three masses initially covered on the table and on which the prize pool was distributed.
  • he  Mercante in Fiera  can participate as many people as they wish, better in odd numbers, or eight or ten, as in the first distribution some cards will advance, as the spirit of the game would require

How to play

  1. The  merchant at the fair  foresees a “auctioneer”, who can be one of the same players (possibly the one who makes the deck from time to time), or a person unrelated to the game. However, the auctioneer-player has no particular advantage over the others.
  2. The dealer shuffles and cuts the first deck of cards and deals them, one at a time, to each of the players and to himself if he takes part in the game. The cards are dealt face down and until it is possible to give them in equal numbers to each player. Almost always there are some left over, which will be offered for sale by the auctioneer to the best bidders: in fact, by having more cards, you have an advantage.
  3. The sum thus collected will constitute the prize pool together with the stake established before the game for each player. Then the dealer takes the second deck from which three cards are placed, either by the dealer himself or by randomly chosen players, which are placed face down on the table. Then the prize pool is divided into three parts of different value and each part is paired with one of the three hole cards.
  4. Now the dealer takes the deck and, starting from the top card, turns over one card at a time; one of the players will have one equal in hand (must be equal in value and suit) and discard it; the two cards thus matched are put out of play. The dealer discovers another which will in turn be discarded along with the same one dropped by the player in possession, and so on. In the end, of course, all the cards in the players’ hands will have been discarded, with the exception of those three equal to those still face down on the table. These cards are then turned over and the prize corresponding to each of them is up to that player who finds himself in possession of the same card.
  5. A player can win multiple prizes and, in theory, all three.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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