This resource contains the starting guide for The Outer Worlds , the new RPG from Obsidian . In order to view the content, pay attention to the block on the right just below if you entered the site from a PC. Or at the very bottom of the page if you are reading from a smartphone.
The Outer Worlds Tips
- When choosing and pumping a character, it is necessary to invest the maximum amount of experience points in defense, conversations, ranged attacks and science.
- The most useful perk you can pick up is the medical one.
- It is important to unlock the experience perk that your character gains for killing enemies committed by your partners.
- Don’t forget to unlock the health perks, energy regeneration and the duration of the use of the slow time.
- While completing tasks, it is very important to have a high level of conviction and science, which will help solve most of the quests with the best and fastest outcome.
- Long-range weapons are the best option due to the huge amount of cartridges that are thrown out by enemies, located at the location, taken from storage and can be bought from vending machines.
- In the first location, you can get two partners, one of whom has a strong melee strike, and the second deals special damage from a shotgun. You can take two partners with you at the same time. You can change them on the ship (when there are 3 or more of them).
- You need to change partners in order to complete their personal quests, which require them to be in the active party.
- When partners get new levels, first of all, you need to open health perks, then melee or ranged damage, depending on the type of weapon that he uses.
- Completing missions for partners gives them a large increase in power and a special skill.
- Quest at the power plant – at some point you will be asked to complete a story quest in which you need to decide who to disconnect from the station. The most correct option is to turn off the settlement of scientists, and then convince the mayor of the city to resign. This will require a high skill in persuasion.
- In the third location, where you need to complete a quest for a scientist who experimented with animals, you will have a side mission to save the assistant professor. It must be completed first before completing the main quest. Otherwise, the assistant will die.
The Outer Worlds looks like a shooting game. And yes, you will have to shoot a lot, but still you should not approach her as a shooter.
A huge number of situations can be resolved differently. It’s better to focus on conversations than shooting. Just below are six essential tips to help you get started and become a successful space settler.
Focus on picking locks and hacking early in the game.
Our first tip is pretty simple: Lockpicking and hacking are irreplaceable.
Hacking will help open locked locks, behind which valuable loot is stored, which means you will quickly get hold of good equipment. Once you raise this skill to 20 units, you can pick simple locks without using lockpicks.
Raising your hacking skill to 20 will allow you to sell your stuff at any vending machine, which means you can effectively control your inventory (and weight) without having to drag to the store, and also make some money faster.
Both of these skills will open (literally) many doors for you. Also, hacking will allow you to disable auto-mechanic guards, if you need it.
Explore your surroundings looking for (surprisingly) good loot.
In the game you will find different loot everywhere, but with high rates of lockpicking and hacking skills, this becomes even more important. Take your time and spend a little time looking around in each new location. Open everything that is possible – all boxes and doors are locked. You will be surprised how much valuable and effective equipment is hidden in inconspicuous boxes practically in the most prominent places.
Conversation skills will help you properly control your progress through the game.
Keeping the dialogue right and expanding the options available will give you the ability to guide the development of the game’s story, making shooting a secondary issue.
You will have to speak to many characters, and as you increase your skills in persuasion, lying and intimidation, you will unlock new lines in many dialogues. Having the ability to solve many problems through conversation will simplify your stay in the game. Once your intimidation skill is sufficiently developed, you can even scare off wild beasts before they attack.
There is no reason not to use fast travel.
In The Outer Worlds, enemies and loot do not respawn, at least in areas around settlements on the first planet. Once you clear the area and collect everything of value, there will be no reason to re-comb the location in search of something new. Use fast travel to complete quests (main, secondary and partner tasks) in order to gain valuable experience for completing them faster. Do not be afraid, you will not miss anything important.
Companions affect your skills.
Your companions are more than just a pair of hands and guns. They add additional skill development units simply by being in your squad. Parvati, for example, adds points to the lock picking and persuasion skill, and Vikar Max enhances the hacking skill.
Each partner also has a perk that makes the bonus even stronger.
By choosing the right composition of your squad, you seriously increase your chances of overcoming the various difficulties that the game will pose for you. This is a good way at the right time to strengthen a skill that you do not have enough pumped.
Armor affects many of your stats, so choose wisely.
Armor in The Outer Worlds is more than just armor. Yes, it determines your defense score, but it also affects a lot more. Heavy armor, for example, lowers your stealth skill. Moreover, many types of armor provide bonuses to skills. Armor modifications also affect certain characteristics, for example, the “backpack” modification, which increases the inventory capacity. Thus, choosing the right armor can be useful in a given situation. Passing the stage with an intense firefight will be easier in heavy armor, while equipment that affects the corresponding social skills will come in handy in dialogues.
Look for loot all over the place.
In every room, in every container or trash can, in bookcases and on corpses – everywhere there is something you can profit from. You will find everything from condiments to grenade launchers by simply surveying the surrounding area and loosing everything you see. Explore the area and pick up everything that is not nailed down. You will not use everything you find, but you can sell the unnecessary, disassemble it into parts or give it to your partners. Everything is useful, so collect as much as possible.
Monitor your weight.
Your ability to carry mountains of loot with you is a function of your strength, current health, armor mods, and even your teammates’ stats. All this calculates the capacity of your inventory. When the weight of your inventory exceeds the limit, you cannot sprint and use fast movement.
When this happens, simply take the surplus inventory apart. As a rule, this is enough to put the weight in order.
To avoid such problems, regularly sell everything you don’t need.
The “backpack” armor modification will increase the capacity of your inventory. You can also expand your inventory using a special perk (and another one will allow you to use fast movement even with overload).
Change your equipment.
If you grab everything that comes to hand and clean out every corpse, then you will almost constantly replenish your inventory with new types of armor and weapons.
When you find a workbench, all you need to level up your cannons is the local currency. You don’t need spare parts. You will also be able to install and uninstall mods.
As a rule, there are no pitfalls regarding new items of equipment in your inventory in the game – if the characteristics of the new item are better than what you are wearing, then you can take it. If not, you can take it apart or sell. Watch for a timely increase in the level of weapons, if funds allow you.
You can always get hold of better loot in the game. Look for weapons with higher damage (and their type), armor with better defensive properties and better perks, and so on.
It is also important to upgrade your teammates’ equipment. The principle is the same – the more numbers in the characteristics, the better.
How to use fast travel?
Open the Map tab in your menu and move the cursor to any compass icon. These are the fast travel points available to you.
Fast travel restrictions.
You must visit the location at least once to be able to move quickly. You will receive a special notification when you enter a new zone (you will also receive experience for this). Areas targeted by fast travel will be indicated by a compass icon on the map.
You will not be able to take advantage of fast travel if you are overloaded, that is, if you carry more cargo than your inventory allows. You can check the current load in the upper left corner in the menu. The game has a perk called “traveler”, which allows you to enjoy fast travel even with overload.
Also, you cannot use fast travel if you are underground or in a special building. You can move from homes or from outside urban areas, but fast travel is not possible from a secret laboratory or factory. Get out or to the surface and fast travel will be available to you again.
Characteristics of The Outer Worlds
Your playable character in The Outer Worlds has a set of six basic characteristics that directly affect the gameplay.
Strength : Determines the amount of damage inflicted by melee weapons, and also increases the carrying capacity. Skills:
- Cold one-handed weapon
- Cold two-handed weapon
- Heavy weapons,
- Blocking,
- Inspiration,
- Intimidation.
Dexterity : Determines the attack speed of a melee weapon and the reload speed of a firearm. Skills:
- Cold one-handed weapon
- Pistols,
- Evasion,
- Blocking,
- Stealth,
- Breaking locks.
Intelligence : Determines the bonus damage from critical hits. Skills:
- Long-barreled weapons,
- Conviction,
- Hacking,
- Medicine,
- The science,
- Determination.
Perception : Determines the bonus damage from headshots and attacks to vulnerabilities. Skills:
- Pistols,
- Long-barreled weapons,
- Heavy weapons,
- Dodge,
- Breaking locks
- Engineering.
Charisma : Determines the reputation with the factions and the recharge rate of the companions’ skills. Skills:
- Conviction,
- Cheating,
- Intimidation,
- Hacking,
- The science,
- Inspiration.
Temperament : Determines the rate at which health regenerates. Skills:
Cold two-handed weapon
- Cheating,
- Stealth,
- Medicine,
- Engineering,
- Determination.
Skills The Outer Worlds
Raising some skills to a certain level opens up new opportunities for your character to interact with the world of the game.
Persuasion, Deception and Intimidation – open up new dialogue options.
Stealth (20) allows you to pickpocket.
Hacking (20, 40) allows you to buy and sell new items in vending machines.
Picking locks (60) allows you to examine the contents before attempting
to pick them Science (20) allows you to enhance weapons and armor on the workbench
Medicine (20, 40, 60) allows you to create more complex recipes.
The Outer Worlds weapons and abilities
Cold one-handed weapon
Increases the critical strike chance when using a melee one-handed weapon.
- Novice (20) – unlocks power and sweeping attacks,
- Skillful (40) – allows you to see the effects of hits on different parts of the body when using TTD ( time dilation ),
- Skillful (60) – increases the radius of destruction of one-handed melee weapons by 30%,
- Expert (80) – reduces the consumption of the TTD scale when using cold one-handed weapons by 50%,
- Master (100) – Power and sweeping attacks can stun the target with a 25% chance.
Cold two-handed weapon
Increases the critical strike chance when using a cold two-handed weapon.
- Novice (20) – unlocks power and sweeping attacks,
- Skillful (40) – allows you to see the effects of hits on different parts of the body when using TTD,
- Skillful (60) – attacks with two-handed melee weapons cannot be blocked,
- Expert (80) – reduces the consumption of the TTD scale when using cold two-handed weapons by 50%,
- Master (100) – Power and sweeping attacks can knock the target over with a 25% chance.
Increases critical strike chance and reduces scope swing when using pistols.
- Novice (20) – allows you to see the effects of hits on different parts of the body when using TTD,
- Skillful (40) – increases critical damage when using pistols by 50%,
- Skillful (60) – increases the minimum damage when armor breaks by 10%,
- Expert (80) – Decreases the critical strike chance of affected enemies by 20%,
- Master (100) – Pistol critical hits ignore 100% armor.
Long barreled weapon
Increases critical strike chance and reduces scope swing when using long-barreled weapons.
- Novice (20) – allows you to see the effects of hits on different parts of the body when using TTD,
- Skillful (40) – increases critical damage when using long-barreled weapons by 50%,
- Skillful (60) – increases damage when shooting in the head or at weak points by 20% when using long-barreled weapons,
- Expert (80) – for five seconds after each kill, the swing of the sight is leveled,
- Master (100) – Critical hits with long barreled weapons ignore 100% of armor.
Heavy weaponry
Increases critical strike chance and reduces scope swing when using heavy weapons.
- Novice (20) – allows you to see the effects of hits on different parts of the body when using TTD,
- Skillful (40) – increases critical damage when using heavy weapons by 50%,
- Skillful (60) – increases the reload speed of heavy weapons by 30%,
- Expert (80) – Critical Hits increase the rate of fire by 30% for 3 seconds,
- Master (100) – Heavy weapon critical hits ignore 100% armor.
Does not affect performance.
- Novice (20) – allows you to jump (dodge forward),
- Skillful (40) – increases the speed of somersault recovery by 100%,
- Skillful (60) – Increases Armor by 30% for 5 seconds after rolling,
- Expert (80) – The next melee attack after dodging deals 50% more damage,
- Master (100) – with a 50% chance after each evasion, hits on weak points ignore armor for 5 seconds.
Increases armor when using melee weapons.
- Novice (20) – Perfect Blocks (use a block a moment before getting hit) dazes enemies,
- Skillful (40) – reduces the consumption of weapon durability when blocking by 25%,
- Expert (60) – walking speed when blocking increases by 100%,
- Expert (80) – weapons do not lose durability when blocked,
- Master (100) – Perfect Block weakens enemies, and increases damage they take by 100% for 5 seconds.
Opens additional options in some dialogues.
- Novice (20) – people have a 20% chance to shrink in fear within 3 seconds after the first hit on them,
- Skillful (40) – increases the duration of the effect by 7 seconds,
- Skillful (60) – reduces the armor of enemies under the effect of the effect by 50%,
- Expert (80) – increases the chance of activating the effect by 10%,
- Master (100) – Increases armor by 25% while the enemy is under the effect.
Opens additional options in some dialogues.
- Novice (20) – with a 15% chance causes the mechanisms to slowly attack other enemies for 15 seconds,
- Skillful (40) – increases the duration of the effect by 7 seconds,
- Skillful (60) – mechanisms attack other enemies at normal speed,
- Expert (80) – increases the chance of activating the effect by 10%,
- Master (100) – damage from hits on weak points of Mechanisms under the effect of the effect is increased by 30%.
Opens additional options in some dialogues.
- Novice (20) – living creatures with a 20% chance will scatter in fear for 10 seconds after killing a relative,
- Skillful (40) – increases the area of effect by 100%,
- Skillful (60) – slows down living creatures under the effect of 30%,
- Expert (80) – increases the chance of activating the effect by 10%,
- Master (100) – after frightening a living creature for 10 seconds, the chance of a critical hit increases by 5% and the damage from critical hits by 25%.
Increases the damage done by hidden attacks and decreases the chance of being detected.
- Novice (20) – allows you to make a stealth attack on unsuspecting enemies,
- Skillful (40) – allows you to pickpocket,
- Skillful (60) – increases movement speed in sneak mode by 25%,
- Expert (80) – increases damage from hidden attacks by 20%,
- Master (100) – hidden attacks ignore 50% of the target’s armor.
Reduces the time required for hacking and affects the consumption of lockpicks.
- Novice (20) – allows you to sell items at vending machines,
- Skillful (40) – unlocks access to prohibited items at vending machines,
- Skillful (60) – allows you to hack mechanisms and disable them for 10 seconds,
- Expert (80) – the radius of detection by mechanisms decreases by 30%,
- Master (100) – increases the maximum distance from which you can hack mechanisms up to five meters.
Picking locks
Reduces the time required for hacking and affects the consumption of lockpicks.
- Novice (20) – doors and vaults requiring one lockpick can be broken without lockpicks
- Skillful (40) – increases the amount of money found by 25%
- Expert (60) – allows you to examine the content before attempting to hack
- Expert (80) – increases hacking speed
- Master (100) – increases the chance of finding rare items by 100%
Increases the amount of health restored by consumables and the duration of positive effects.
- Novice (20) – opens an additional slot for creating items,
- Skillful (40) – opens an additional slot for creating items,
- Expert (60) – enemies lose sight of you 50% faster,
- Expert (80) – opens an additional slot for creating items,
- Master (100) – increases damage done to people by 20% /
The science
Increases damage from Plasma and Shock weapons and allows you to modify weapons and armor.
- Novice (20) – allows you to enhance weapons and armor at the workbench,
- Skillful (40) – Reduces reinforcement costs by 50%,
- Expert (60) – Corrosive and Beam weapons do 25% more damage,
- Expert (80) – reduces the cost of strengthening by 90%,
- Master (100) – reduces the weight of Inventions and increases the size of the Invention store by 100%.
Reduces the cost of repairing weapons and armor.
- Novice (20) – allows you to repair weapons and armor in the inventory menu,
- Skillful (40) – when dismantling weapons and armor, the base modifier is extracted with a 20% chance,
- Skillful (60) – when repaired, a thing with a 20% chance can become Untouched, which increases its price and durability,
- Expert (80) – when dismantling weapons and armor, a rare modifier is extracted with a 10% chance,
- Master (100) – increases damage done to mechanisms by 20%.
Increases damage dealt by companions.
- Novice (20) – allows you to order your companions to make special attacks,
- Skillful (40) – companions gain an additional 20% armor,
- Skillful (60) – increases the companion’s bonus to characteristics by 100%,
- Expert (80) – when a companion kills an enemy, all allies increase their critical hit chance by 20% for 5 seconds,
- Master (100) – When a companion kills an enemy, reduces the cooldown of companion skills by 20%.
Increases the maximum health of the player and his companions.
- Novice (20) – Inhaler also heals companions, however they only get 30% of base recovery,
- Skillful (40) – increases the damage from critical attacks of companions by 20%,
- Expert (60) – Companions receive 25% more Healing from Inhaler,
- Expert (80) – if a companion falls, all allies receive a 50% increase in armor and damage for 10 seconds,
- Master (100) – when a companion kills an enemy, it restores 50% health.