How to Optimize Time in Training and People Development

Having qualified human capital is very important for the organization to deliver the best product to the customer, balancing on-time deliveries and valuable work. That is why it is essential to invest in the Training and Development (T&D) practices of people : they ensure that employees are trained to perform their role in the company effectively, developing behavioral and professional aspects throughout their time in the organization.

Despite being so essential, many companies find it difficult to manage employees’ time in Training and Development because they encounter factors such as: repetition of the same training, displacement of teams and stoppage of sectors to participate in T&D.

Do you want to know how to overcome these difficulties and, consequently, optimize time? Take a pen and paper (or some technological tool of your choice) and follow our text!


4 Tips for Optimizing People Training and Development Time


The Research The Training Panorama in Brazil brings some data on time in money spent on T&D in the country last year:

As we can see, the time that companies spend on T&D is still quite small if we take into account that most employees have an 8-hour workday. It is as if the employees were trained for less than three days throughout the year.

This time is less, for example, than the annual time spent on training in the United States: 33 hours.

Therefore, it is important to make the most of the time that employees and the company have available to carry out T&D practices.

To help you with this, we have prepared 4 methodological tips and tools that can be adopted to optimize the training and development time of employees:




The Microlearning is a teaching approach that imparts knowledge through small doses (usually a few minutes). This type of training is ideal for passing contextual content – important for introducing new content to employees – or connecting content – small concepts that are necessary for employees to carry out their work.

This type of training can be more informal, like small alignment conversations. It is very effective to resolve doubts and align proposals in a few minutes, without having to stop an entire team for this.


Blended Learning


The Blended Learning (hybrid teaching) is a teaching method that combines the EAD (Distance Education) with the face. It can be very useful for optimizing time because it allows your collaborator to forward content in distance mode to socialize and answer questions in person.

Our recommendation on Training and Development through Blended Learning is to have diverse content and activities, to contemplate different learning styles. Promote team discussions and face-to-face interactions, use materials such as videos, e-books and infographics.




The e-learning (or e-learning) is a fully teaching the distance mode that needs an online learning platform to exist.

This type of learning is a great way to optimize the time of your employees because they do not need face-to-face meetings, all content can be made available on the Distance Learning Platform and activities such as tests and discussions can be done through it too.

Also according to the survey “The Panorama of Training in Brazil” , 77% of companies use e-learning for the T&D of employees, so trust in what is already working and bet without fear.


Task Management


To ensure that training is permanently incorporated into the daily lives of employees, it is important to integrate T&D activities with the tasks that they must perform within the company, so that they define priorities and balance the best times for training, so they are not overloaded or idle time.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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