Multiorgasm: learn how to achieve it

The possibility of being multi-orgasmic is not limited to a small percentage of women, as is supposed, but through practice, self-knowledge and self-determination, we can all be, even men. At the end of the day it is not difficult, it is only about wanting and knowing.

Yes, we have this multi-orgasmic capacity from the factory, but each one develops it differently. There are people more easily, others who prefer not to provoke more than one orgasm, and others who do not know how to achieve it because, for this, you have to know how to identify it and know yourself a lot.

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What is it?

Learn to identify them

Multi-orgasm is the succession of orgasms, being able to reach the stage of ecstasy or climax several times within the same relationship or sexual act. And stimulation plays a very important role in it. After orgasm, two things can happen: that we have to stop for a few minutes because the skin and tissues are very sensitive and the stimulation is annoying, or that the stimulation process is continuous even after reaching orgasm and it is possible to experience pleasure from continuously.

Stages of male and female orgasm

Irene Bedmar

By identifying the ‘stages’ of sexual intercourse, we can differentiate between arousal, plateau, orgasm, resolution, and, in the case of men, the final refractory period.

According to the psychologist and sexologist Irene Bedmar, multiorgasm would be the ability to reach the orgasm phase more than once -considering a minimum time of seconds or a few minutes between each of them- and thus prolong the plateau and orgasm phases while maintaining the necessary stimulation to follow and control a high degree of sexual arousal at will.

María Martínez, psychologist, sexologist and couples therapist, classifies continuous orgasms into two types: sequential and multiple. The sequential ones are those in which between one and the other there is a short break – for example to go to the bathroom or have a snack – and then continue.

The multiples, on the other hand, are those in which stimulation does not stop after the first one and another arrives again, and then another, as many as you want. Multiple orgasms would be identified as multiple orgasms.

The men’s handicap

But not everything is as easy as knowing how to identify them. According to Irene Bedmar, men have a complication to develop multiorgasm that women do not have: the refractory period, the recovery phase after ejaculation, which can vary between 30 minutes and several hours, depending on the man.

This phase is detrimental to having multiple orgasms in a row, but it does not completely prevent it. The key, says María Martínez, is to avoid ejaculation but not orgasm, since one is followed by the other, but they are not the same: “you can ejaculate without having an orgasm or have an orgasm without ejaculating,” she says.

So how can we get it? Núria Jorba, psychologist, sexologist and couples therapist, explains that it is about knowing your own body and sexuality, getting out of the standard steps set and investigating the sensations and, above all, being patient and not waiting for an instant result.

There are also some tricks, recommended by Irene Bedmar, to be able to develop and train multiorgasm.

Tricks to enhance multiorgasm

  1. Practice Kegel exercises, which are used to tone the pelvic muscles and increase the perception of the pleasant sensations associated with orgasm.
  2. Train the mind to enhance eroticism and the ability to fantasize.
    With techniques such as thematic imagination, the reading of erotic stories or the visualization of sexually stimulating material for that person.
  3. Relaxation, breathing and ‘mindfulness’ techniques can facilitate sensory attention and, therefore, could improve the intensity of orgasms.
  4. Increase the time and quality of caresses to allow adequate sexual arousal.
  5. Practice masturbation only when you really want to. Do it in a way without any negative emotional charge such as guilt or shame.
  6. Maintain good sexual communication with your partner.
  7. Never force orgasm or any other sexual practice and maintain an open and flexible attitude towards your own sexuality.

María Martínez emphasizes that, the first thing is the desire to want to have more than one orgasm: “You have to take into account or ask yourself if you want to have more than one. There are people who after reaching orgasm feel so comfortable and relaxed that they do not want to have more or continue with the sexual relationship. And that’s fine. “

The keys

1. Know yourself

The three sexologists consulted agree that it is essential to know yourself well in order to know how to obtain more pleasure. María Martínez explains: “You have to take time to explore and get to know yourself to see what is the way to continue stimulating the body and make it pleasant”.

At the moment when the woman’s body is recovering from orgasm, Martínez recommends trying different types and intensities of stimulation according to the degree of sensitivity. Also, he says, lubricant can be used so that everything is more slippery, friction is eliminated and irritation does not occur during stimulation that prevents it from continuing.

2. Practice and practice

Practice is crucial in order to fully develop orgasm and enjoy a more comfortable and enjoyable sexuality. María Martínez remembers that the goal of everything is pleasure.

Irene Bedmar recommends not forcing any sexual practice, either alone or with a partner, since many times we insist on forcing a certain activity or sexual game out of fashion, social pressure or pure self-demand, and then the appearance of negative emotions such as frustration, anger or sadness.

Research is allowing us to know how the body works during orgasm.


María Martínez points out the two best times to practice multiorgasm: when the woman is ovulating, because hormones help to reach orgasm, and in the morning, since at night men produce testosterone.

He explains that, in the case of men, it is about stopping just when you notice that the moment of orgasm is coming, but without waiting to reach the point of no return, ejaculation.


by Abdullah Sam
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