10 Powerful Minerals For The body

Minerals For The body. Many Of the most important minerals for men are largely discarded in the refining process. Some, like selenium, are even deficient in Our soils to begin with. All men should make sure that they are getting enough of the following minerals.

10 Powerful Minerals For The body


When we think of calcium, we generally think of its valu- able role in maintaining strong, healthy bones. In fact, 99 percent of the body’s calcium is stored in the bones and teeth. If a calcium- deficient diet is consumed over a long period of time, the bones may become porous and brittle due to osteoporosis. Hip fracture is a common sign Of osteoporosis, and one-third of all hip fractures occur In men. The remaining I percent Of calcium, distributed throughout the bloodstream and in extracellular fluids, performs many essential functions, as well.

Men Who consume foods rich in calcium Or take calcium supplements tend to have lower blood pressure, and experience none Of the unpleasant side effects that can be encountered with antihypertensive drug treatment. Food sources rich in calcium include dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt; leafy vegetables, including collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, and sea vegetables; and salmon and sardines, including the bones. The recommended dose is from 800 to 1,500 milligrams daily. Calcium citrate is a form Of supplemental calcium that’s well absorbed by the body.


An estimated 3 million men are unknowingly walking around With some Of the early signs Of diabetes. Chromium is an essential mineral that helps the body regulate blood-sugar levels, thereby protecting against full-blown diabetes. It also promotes the loss Of fat and an increase in lean muscle mass. Two tablets of brewer’s yeast will supply a day’s need (from 200 to 8(M) micro- grams) of chromium. Other notable sources include brown rice, cheese, clams, corn oil, grapes, honey, meat, raisins, and whole grams.


Copper is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, copper is a true warrior in the defense against heart disease and irregular heart rhythm. Plus, copper is an essential component of superox- ide dismustase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant that is manufactured by the body. Copper deficiency can cause elevated choles- terol levels and blood pressure, and may actually lead to problems maintaining a normal heart rhythm. On the other hand, copper overload is a common problem these days due to adrenal depletion and the copper content Of den- tal fillings and water pipes, Copper toxicity can be an underlying cause of panic attacks and yeast infections. Food sources Of copper include liver, soy products, regular tea, cocoa, nuts, peas, beans, whole gram cereals, raisins, and oysters. The recommended daily amount for healthy males is about 2 milligrams


Men who work out on a regular basis Will want to maintain healthy magnesium levels, because this mineral plays a critical role in energy production and muscle activity. Researchshows that magnesium may also help protect against heart disease, which kills more than 350,000 men each year, and can lower high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Magnesium acts as a natural tranquilizer and, in fact, deficiency can interfere with the transmis- sion of nerve impulses, resulting in irritability and nervousness.Magnesium is found in most foods.

Rich sources of this mineral include dairy products, fish, meat, seafood, green leafy vegeta- bles, nuts such as almonds, and seeds. The recommended daily intake ranges from 600 to 1,000 milligrams per day. Selenium: Selenium is an important antioxidant that protects the body against the formation of free radicals. As such, it is a valuable weapon in the fight against cancers of the skin, lung, and stomach that, combined, kill more than 100,000 men each year. Selenium is known to act in concert with vitamin E to protect cells from free- radical damage.

Depending on the selenium content of the soil where the food is grown, selenium can be found in meat and grains. Especially good sources include brewer’s yeast, broccoli, brown rice, dairy products, seafood, and whole grains. The suggested daily intake for selenium ranges from 100 to 400 micrograms.


Zinc: Zinc is the most crucial mineral because Of its link to male potency, fertility, and sex drive. A man may lose some 420 micro- grams of zinc through ejaculation so, clearly, the more sexually active the man, the more he needs this essential mineral. Low zinc levels have been linked to low semen volume and low levels of testostemne. The mineral is also in small amounts through sweat, resulting in decreased levels. As a component of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismu- tase (SOD), zinc helps the body to combat free radicals. It also pro- motes immune-system health and wound healing, and can be helpful in treating benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), which com- monly affects men over fifty. (See Chapter 5 for a discussion Of BPH,) Zinc is found primarily in red meats, eggs, and seafood. The recommended intake is about 15 to 50 milligrams per day. Zinc picolinate is the form that is best utilized by the body.

by Abdullah Sam
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