What Is Meaning Of Word Tuning.

Tuning means;Touch up, correct or improve something.It is a feminine noun defined as the action and result of refining or refining, in sanitizing and refining metals in general. In making someone gentlemanly, kind, cordial and affectionate”


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  • 1 Definition
  • 2 In music
  • 3 On metals
  • 4 Some examples
  • 5 Sources


The process and result of tuning is known as tuning. This verb refers to retouching , correcting or improving something. The term is also used for the action that seeks to increase the quality of a thing.

In music

Put a proper sound on musical instruments to a monoordion that are well agreed

In metals

Operation that aims to purify a crude metal .

Some examples

We have to adjust the last details and the final tuning, but the machine is almost ready. Usually, I write my books in a few weeks but then invest several months in the fine tuning of the texts. We are close to reaching an agreement: only the tuning of some clauses remains.

by Abdullah Sam
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