Learn how to deal with the stuck intestine: causes, symptoms and treatment

Did you know that about 20% of the population suffers from stuck intestines?

Also known as constipation , the trapped intestine consists of an intestinal malfunction that generates a series of discomforts such as gas and a swollen belly.

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Very common in women, this problem can be solved with small changes in diet and lifestyle.

The trapped intestine is not necessarily a disease, but a sign that something is wrong with the organism.

Know now causes, symptoms, treatment and some tips to avoid this situation:

Causes of stuck intestine

The causes for the difficulty of going to the bathroom can be the most varied, usually related to eating habits, but other causes also lead to the problem:

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  • Consume a lot of processed foods.
  • Lack of fiber in the diet.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Sedentary life, with little or no physical activity.
  • Certain medications
  • Ignore the urge to go to the bathroom
  • Change in routine such as travel or pregnancy.
  • Milk.
  • Insufficient fluid intake.
  • Depression.

Symptoms of stuck intestine

Some people believe that going a day or two without going to the bathroom is already a sign of constipation, but the truth is that only when someone evacuates less than three times a week can they be suffering from this disease.

Check out some symptoms caused by the problem :

  • Lack of disposition.
  • Hair loss.
  • Difficulty evacuating.
  • Discomfort in the belly area.
  • Bad mood.
  • Gases.
  • Brittle nails.
  • Feeling of a full bowel even after going to the bathroom.
  • Dry stools.

Treatment for lazy bowel

Before starting treatment for the lazy intestine, it is necessary to diagnose which – or which – causes it. Most people solve the problem by changing eating and living habits.

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Some suggested treatments are :

  • Increase in fiber intake.
  • Consumption of foods with laxative properties such as papaya.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Use of medicines.
  • Consumption of probiotic yogurts associated with oats or flaxseed.
  • Take papaya juice with flaxseed.
  • Natural yogurt with black plum.
  • Consume more raw vegetables.

Is it possible to prevent the stuck intestine?

Anyone who has ever experienced the problem knows how much discomfort it causes. The verse says that prevention is better than cure isn’t it?

So if you know you have a tendency to constipation it is best to modify some habits to prevent evil.

9 tips to prevent stuck intestines

We have separated some tips that can help your intestines to function regularly:

1. Drink more water

Water is essential for the proper functioning of the entire body, including the digestive process.

When you drink little water, the stools get drier, making it difficult to eliminate them.

Therefore, drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day helps to prevent stuck intestines.

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Try to take at least 2 liters a day. Don’t you like water because it has no taste? Try adding lemon and create your own flavored water.

2. Practice physical exercises

It may even be a walk, but what matters is that you chase away laziness and include physical exercise in your day-to-day.

Physical activity causes the intestine to move, contributing to the fecal cake being processed more quickly and not getting dry.

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Also read :

  • Walking helps you lose your belly and lose weight
    • Physical activity in winter: see seven tips for not losing motivation

3. Pay attention to the signs of the gut

Did you feel like going to the bathroom? Do not ignore this signal.

Ignoring the evacuation reflex leaves the intestine lazy.

Also pay attention to the appearance of the stool and how often you visit the bathroom.

Having a regular time to go to the bathroom also helps to educate the gut for the need to evacuate every day.

4. Eat apple with peel

When your hunger strikes outside main meal times, opt for fruit such as apples.

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But nothing to do without the peel, because it is full of fibers that help the intestine to work better.

5. Beware of stress and anxiety

As far as possible try to relax and disconnect to decrease stress and anxiety levels.

After all, both contribute to the so-called irritable bowel syndrome, which can cause constipation.

6. Increase fiber consumption

However, don’t forget to increase your water consumption to balance things out. If you start to consume only more fibers and do not drink enough fluids you will suffer from the gases.

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Granola, flaxseed, oats, plum, papaya and orange are examples of foods rich in fiber. The first three can even be eaten with natural yogurt.

7. Avoid low fiber foods

Swap white flour and white rice for their wholegrain versions. Also avoid black tea, chayote, guava and English potatoes.

These foods are low in fiber and help the intestine to function more slowly.

8. Prefer natural methods

When you feel that you are not going to the bathroom regularly or are in pain and feeling bloated, prefer natural methods to remedies.

Laxatives, for example, attack the intestinal flora and may lose their effect after some time of use.

Then choose to consume fruits such as papaya and plum or make a papaya juice with flaxseed.

9. Belly massages

Massages are not only useful for those suffering from gas, they also help to stimulate the functioning of the intestine.

Place a bag of cold water on your belly for five to ten minutes, then do the same with a bag of hot water.

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Then make circular movements in the bowel region, always clockwise.

The ideal is to repeat the massage several times a day to encourage bowel movements.


by Abdullah Sam
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