Learn how to fight bad digestion: causes and symptoms

Poor digestion involves the most varied gastric disorders, and its symptoms may appear after any meal.

One of the most common causes is the wrong combination of foods in meals like mixing something high in protein with milk or milk products. Thus making the meal “heavier” and making digestion more difficult.

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Intolerance to certain foods also contributes to the feeling of a full stomach.

Stress can also be considered a factor that contributes to this disease, as we tend to eat the wrong way, skipping meals or opting for fastfoods.

Causes of poor digestion

Several factors can cause this problem, including :

  • Make a meal with high protein foods with high fiber foods.
  • Eat very fast, without chewing properly. With that the whole work of digestion is for the stomach, and when chewing we could contribute to this task.
  • Diseases such as ulcer or reflux. In such cases the person becomes sensitive to some foods and must have medical attention.
  • Ingestion of heavy foods in the heat.
  • Mix protein-rich foods with those high in sugar.
  • Drink plenty of fluids during meals. The liquid dissolves hydrochloric acid, which is important for digestion.
  • Overdoing fatty foods or fried foods. Any heavier food requires more to be digested.
  • Smoking before meals.
  • Exercise on a full stomach.

Symptoms of poor digestion

The symptoms of indigestion can also be varied, and the person may have some or several of them:

  • Heartburn
  • Swollen belly
  • Frequent belching
  • Gases

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  • Feeling of heavy stomach
  • Feeling sick
  • Vomiting
  • Tiredness after meals
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Abdominal pain

The most common are burps, gas, a swollen belly and a feeling of heavy stomach. However, depending on the food consumed, it is possible to have more severe symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

How to fight and prevent bad digestion?

When indigestion occurs, it can be treated with the use of medicines or digestive foods such as teas and fruit juices, but if the situation is very uncomfortable it is best to choose the remedies.

Some examples of remedies for poor digestion are : Eno Fruit Salt, Sonrisal, Gaviscon and Milk of Magnesia.

All can be found at any pharmacy and purchased without a prescription.

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Among the natural we can mention the boldo tea and fennel and pineapple juices with mint or orange with cabbage , which are considered digestive.

If possible opt for natural methods, less harmful to the body and that also help you to avoid bad digestion, after all you can choose to take a digestive juice when eating something heavier, such as feijoada.

Another tip to avoid this problem is a change in eating habits. Start observing and writing down what foods are bad for you and cross them off your menu.

Taking care not to make mixtures like protein with milk derivatives also contributes to not suffering from indigestion. In the same way as not consuming heavier foods before bed or on warmer days …

Lactobacilli are also recommended to aid digestion, as they reestablish the intestinal flora and fight harmful bacteria. They also prevent the multiplication of gas-producing bacteria. So having a fermented milk drink – the famous Yakult – at least once a day helps to combat poor digestion .

Tips for improving digestion

  • Avoid drinking during meals. Liquids dilute hydrochloric acid, essential for digestion. Wait half an hour before drinking any liquid.
  • When you are not eating, drink a lot of liquid, varying between juices, coconut water and the water itself.
  • Allow more time for your meals, allowing yourself to chew calmly. Remember that digestion begins in the mouth.
  • Prefer to eat little and more times a day than to eat a lot and eat few meals.

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  • At night choose lighter foods, as during sleep the digestion is slower. And a heavy stomach at night causes nightmares and poor sleep.
  • Instead of salt and vinegar, choose olive oil to season salads, as it helps digestion.
  • Choose digestive fruits – such as pineapple and orange – for main meals.
  • Watch out for foods that you are intolerant of and remove them from the menu.
  • Wait at least an hour and a half after meals to exercise.

Foods that aid digestion

Some foods are called digestion-friendly, as they contribute to this process, thus preventing all symptoms caused by indigestion. Among them we can mention:

  • Yogurt: Helps digest proteins and fats and the most suitable are those enriched with bacteria and lactobacilli that aid in digestion.

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  • Fibers: The insoluble ones increase the intestinal velocity and contribute to a good functioning of the intestine, whereas the soluble ones delay gastric emptying. Both are important because they increase the time that food remains in the digestive tract.
  • Chicken: Its proteins generate a greater feeling of satiety, in addition chicken is lean meat, which helps to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Apple: Contains pectin, a substance that increases good bacteria, which contributes to the proper functioning of the intestine.

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  • Ginger: Fights nausea and relieves intestinal ailments, such as gases.
  • Plum: It has certain digestive organic acids that contribute to a good functioning of the intestine.
  • Banana: In addition to having a calming effect on the stomach, the fruit also has a starch called fructan that helps in the digestive process and regulates the intestine.

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Now that you know what are the causes of poor digestion and also how to prevent it, just change your eating habits! Your body will surely thank you!


by Abdullah Sam
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