League of Legends guide for beginners

We recently talked about the genre of MOBAs among which the most played of all stands out , namely League of Legends which has represented eSports in the world for years. So here is the guide for those who have recently approached this type of game and want to improve and grow on LoL.

Play multiple champions to figure out which ones match your game

League of Legends features a roster of 143 selectable characters all different from each other. For newbies, it is important to play as many champions as possible so they can figure out which one best matches your play style. By trying different champions you will understand better which role you enjoy the most and this is the first step to improve at League. The more you have fun, the better you will perform in the game so don’t think “this champion was told he is stronger” and then play characters who may not be suitable for your style of play. Trying all 143 available champions is impossible at first as it takes a long time to accumulate the essences needed to unlock them. For this reasonEach week there is a free rotation of 20 champions for you to try. Take advantage of this opportunity and play them all, by doing so you will gradually understand which champions to buy and play. Going forward game after game over time you will find yourself against new champions and you will learn to know them even just by facing them. So invest your essences well by purchasing only samples that you intend to play because you have tried them and you like them.


Understand what your role is and how to play it

Parallel to the choice of samples, a variable you must take into account is the role they play. There are 5 different roles in League of Legends: top laner, jungler, mid laner, bot laner and support. When you start playing, one of the most common mistakes is to use your champion incorrectly. Take Annie, for example, a great wizard in mid lane or as a support. Ignoring its characteristics it can happen to use it also in tops and in the jungle. Don’t make this mistake. Each champion has characteristics that make it efficient in certain locations on the map and in certain roles.

Once you have chosen your favorite champions to play, understand what role they play and what you need to do in the game. The possibilities are many for example some champions are assassins whose purpose is to eliminate a target and escape others are tanks whose purpose is to act as a frontline and resist protecting allies and so on. The game client in the champions section offers you all the necessary information about the role of a champion, his strengths and weaknesses. Go into the game well aware of what you need to do for your team.

Learn to farm

When a game of League starts, each player is level 1 and has no inventory items, so you need to kill enemy minions in order to purchase items and level them up. Eliminating minions or jungle monsters is the game’s primary way to earn gold, followed by killing enemy champions and destroying towers. Remember one very important thing: minions give gold only if they are “last hitt”. This means that they will only give money if the last blow is dealt.

The first step if you want to learn how to play League and improve is therefore to learn how to farm. The advice is to make sessions in personalized mode by yourself, dedicating yourself exclusively to the farm. Start a game by choosing a champion and trying to finish off as many minions as possible in 10 minutes, then stop and start a new one. Do this until you are able to farm at least 75 minions in 10 minutes. In a custom without opponents you will have no problems but when you go into a real game against other champions it will be very difficult to farm and you will have to take into account the skirmishes you will have. But remember how important the farm is. Many play the game trying spasmodically to kill enemies while ignoring minions.On average, a kill is worth about 15 minions, this should make you think about how important it is to farm. Being at 100 minions with a score of 0/3 is much better than being 3/0 but having 40 minions.

Understand what to build each game

A very common question that is asked by beginners is “what do you build on this sample?”. Let’s start with an important thing: no sample has a default build that is always the same. Although there are “must” items that are very important for certain champions and generally must be built almost always, all other items must be chosen as needed. If we’re up against a team that has 4 physical damage champions and one support, it’s useless to build magic resist items while it’s much better to develop armor. This is a generic example that suggests the attitude to have in every game.

Analyze your opponents, understand what your priorities are and develop your game accordingly. For example, let’s say you are in top lane with a tank and the enemy mid laner is 5/0 with a wizard and 2 items already bought. Don’t be fooled by the 3/5 of their team with physical damage, itemize magic resistance as the main source of damage you will suffer is, precisely, magic due to the mid laner in advantage.

Another type of reasoning you need to do may be about healing. If you are in bot lane with a shooter and find yourself up against two champions who have the healing skill in their kit, it may be worth building a serious wound item that reduces enemy heal percentages. These are examples that must make you understand how important it is to think about what to develop, without fossilizing yourself on the suggested objects, or to always repeat the same development tactic every game.

Communicate with your teammates

League of Legends is a team game. This sentence must accompany you in every single game you play if you want to achieve results in this game. A good coordinated team works better than a team of stronger but uncoordinated players. To communicate with your companions in addition to the chat in game in the case of special requests, there are so-called “pings”, that is a sort of sound alerts about the actions in progress. There are different types of pings that the game offers: be careful, enemy missing, I’m on my way, I need help, dangerous situation, the enemy has vision. The game has a unique aesthetic and sound associated with each type of ping and after a few games you will learn them easily.

Combining them wisely, you will be able to synthesize entire sentences using pings. Use them as much as you can and in the correct way.

One of the major factors of tilt in games that then often results in defeat is the lack of “ss” . This is how the signal of lack of an enemy champion in lane is defined. It often happens that you do not report the absence of your enemy to your allies and this punctually goes to surprise in their wool to “gank” and kill them. Although not caring about the sudden absence of an enemy on the map is a personal mistake, regardless of the reports received, being ganked without having received the SS from your ally is very annoying and generates tilt . So remember to use signals to communicate and you will see that you will get great results and play much better.

Although League of Legends is played with a mouse and four buttons, the facets that a game can have are many. Nobody plays perfectly, not even the best in the world. The only thing you can do is improve day by day by reducing your mistakes one after another. What we have said is the foundation for beginners and if you put these tips into practice you will be well on your way to being the future pro players of League.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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