Kingdom Come: Deliverance Walkthrough (Other Side Quests)

Completing side quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, which can be taken in different parts of the game world.

Main plot

  • Prologue – Skalitsa
  • Subject quests in Ratai
  • Redhead between two fires
  • Inscrutable ways
  • On the trail
  • My buddy Peto
  • Snake’s nest
  • Questions and answers
  • All that glitters
  • If he is too tough for you
  • Poverty, chastity and obedience
  • Monastery and Vranik
  • Battle of Talmberg

Side quests

  • Ratae side quests
  • Side quests of Sazava and the monastery
  • Ledechko side quests
  • Talmberg side quests
  • Side quests Uzice
  • Merhoeda side quests
  • Other side quests
  • Side quests of the Sazava Monastery

Lost in translation

Between Sazava and Rataye, you can find a small mill on the banks of the river. Talk to the owner or his subordinates and find out that they managed to catch the Polovtsian. Offer your help in the interrogation, but since you do not know Hungarian, the miller will send you to a neighboring village, where there should be a knowledgeable person. Move there, find the tramp marked with a marker and talk to him. Insist that he should help for free.

Here comes the quest

Agree to go back with him (if there is no horse). You will have a talk with the tramp at the mill, the interrogation will begin. Choose any phrases. After interrogation, you learn that the Polovtsian wants to take you to some place where the treasure is buried. Do not believe it! Talk to the tramp again and use your eloquence to get the truth out of him. Ask where the money is hidden, and be sure to remember this place.

Chatting with the Vagabond

However, I will describe what the tramp says here:

“There is a hill across the river opposite Ratae. Stand on a hill facing the city. There will be a road nearby. There is an intersection on the road near a burnt tree. From there a path leads to the water. The water on the right has a hollow tree stump. There you will find your prey. “


Royal sport

How to get it : after you kill the Polovtsians and robbers in the “Snake’s Nest” story quest, visit the “In the Glade” tavern and talk to Ondřej, who issued the “Masquerade” quest. This will show the quest giver marker. Or you can immediately move to Neuhof and chat with Zdena, the owner of the stable.

Saddle up a gray dappled horse and ride to Talmberg. Fast travel can be used! Get to the stables in the castle courtyard to automatically score the goal. Go up to the second floor and talk to Pan Divish about why he doesn’t want to take horses from Zora. Choose the option with eloquence, as it will fail anyway.

Go downstairs and chat on all topics with the head groom. He will inform you that there are races scheduled for the next day at noon. You need to take part in them and prove that Zora’s stallions are strong and fast.

Royal Silver

How to get it : Given by Pan Radzig. Talk to him after completing the Q&A and Pestilence quest in Merhoedi.

Pan wants you to take a look at the Skalitsky mine and think about how to put it in order. Return to Ratai and chat with Chief Engineer Tobiash Feyfar, who will be on the third floor of the lower castle, not far from your overnight stay. Travel to Skalitsa and visit a local smelter. Unfortunately, robbers have settled here. You can kill everyone, luring one by one outside the smelter, or you can sneak into the center of the location, where the interaction point is located, and inspect the mechanism.

Then follow to the mine and talk to the miner who guards it. Go inside and move forward into the farthest adit until the cut-scene starts. At the end of it, run away from the enemies, follow straight and climb the stairs to the top. The rest of the path is linear, because if you turn the wrong way, you will simply end up in a dead end. You may have to kill one or two more enemies.

As soon as you leave the adit, the task will be updated – return to Ratai and report everything to Feyfar.

Parts of the sword of the Queen of Savitskaya

The blacksmith from Sazava will ask you to get five pieces of the sword of the Queen of Savitskaya for him, after which he can make a sword and, if you want, sell it to you. Travel to Ratai and talk to the gunsmith. He has the first piece of the sword , but refuses to sell it. Go to him from the yard and go up to the second floor. There is a piece of the sword in one of the boxes – steal it.

The second part of the sword can be bought from the blacksmith located across the river from Ledechko. Around 150 coins will suffice.

The third part of the sword is held by Zak, a man who often sits at the tavern table between the monastery and Sazava. He refuses to sell the shard, so you will have to track him down, stun him and take the item away. Well, or steal. Later it turned out that Zak is a blacksmith working in a blacksmith close to the monastery.

by Abdullah Sam
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