Indigo children: How To Recognize Them

Have you ever heard of indigo children ? This is certainly a fascinating theory, according to which there are children with very particular characteristics, who came into the world with very specific purposes. But exactly who would these indigo children be, and how would it be possible to recognize them?

Characteristics of indigo children

  • Indigo children are often very sensitive and intuitive. Some speak alone and have invisible friends.
  • They are very affectionate, like to hug, caress, touch. Some are very afraid of death or of losing loved ones.
  • Another common feature of indigo children is agitation. They have great difficulty in maintaining concentration .
  • In some cases they are even diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) or some other disorder related to hyperactivity.
  • Indigo children show great resistance to the rules and do not accept “no”. They want to choose, negotiate.
  • They are considered rebels because they came into the world precisely to question the established rules and standards.
  • Thus, they act according to what they think, and not how they teach them. They are very human, thinking more about the other than about themselves. Even when they are small, they are extremely sensitive to the suffering of others, misery and social problems.
  • Indigo children also have very keen intuition, not tolerating lies , hypocrisy and falsehood. They know exactly when someone is not being sincere.
  • School is often a problem for these children because they try to impose rules on them. Furthermore, even though they are intelligent, they only learn what they feel they need.
  • If they feel that the matter is not relevant to them, their attention is dissipated.
  • Often, they have difficulties interacting with other children, preferring to play alone. This is because they feel misunderstood among others.
  • Even after adults, they have few friends. Usually, your friends are people with the same gift.
  • They can be independent thinkers, intentionally strong, who prefer to do their own thing, instead of complying with authority figures / parents.
  •  Have a level of wisdom beyond your youthful experience.
  • Traditional parenting strategies and discipline do not seem to be effective with these children. If you try to force a subject, a power struggle is the typical result.
  • Energetically, Indigos vibrate at a higher frequency, so they can deal with negative energy.
  •  Emotionally they can be reactive and can have problems with anxiety, depression or anger if they are not energetically balanced.
  • They are creative thinkers through the right brain, but can strive to learn in a traditional left brain school system.
  • Indigos are often diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, as they seem impulsive (your brain can process information quickly) and require movement to help keep them focused.
  • Indigos are very intuitive and can see, hear or know things that seem inexplicable.
  • Indigos have more problems with food and environmental sensitivities, since their system is more sensitive.
  • When their needs are not met, these children seem self-centered and demanding, although that is not their true nature.
  • 11 – These children have incredible gifts and potentials, but they can close (retract) when they are not properly nourished and accepted.


But, based on this theory, how do you recognize an indigo child? There are many features that would make these beings special, here are the ones that are found most frequently :

– the child is uncomfortable in social contexts in which a voice outside the chorus is heard

– has a look that penetrates deeply and a very strong sense of royalty

– knows who he is and he himself says he is particular to his family

– refuses to follow rules and authorities and cannot stand punishment or compromise

– is stubborn and persevering

– he is very creative, dreams and designs very big

– is hypersensitive

– clearly says what he wants and needs

– it is very technological and very easy to learn

– is hyperactive and easily bored

– has a particular diet (sometimes skips meals, sometimes reverses breakfast and dinner, often refuses to eat meat or is intolerant to some foods)

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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