How to configure Google Assistant to recognize nicknames

How important it is to know all those mobile applications that offer the user to enter easily and comfortably from the place where they are to different services to consult the information they want.

That is why one of these applications encourages the user to be able to relate to their contacts using their nickname, this experience is provided by Google Assistent  which has not been presented in Spanish for a long time and was put into operation on Android phones.

This article will provide you with information regarding the ability of this google assistant to be able to master all those tasks of the mobile with Android, from minimal aspects to something characteristic such as identifying contacts by nicknames.

Index(  )

  1. What is Google Assistent?
  2. How to get Google to call my contacts
  3. How to configure Google Assistant to recognize nicknames
  4. Set nicknames in Google Assistant manually
  5. How to edit or delete nicknames

What is Google Assistent?

This google application has a very powerful helper built in. You must touch the microphone, express the word “ok google” and then you can send various tasks with your voice.

The user can indicate simple as well as common questions, for example “call Maria García.” If María García is a relative or has a relationship with the user, she will be able to find out, so that, without having to state her last name and first name, she can be told “call my boss” , “send a message to my brother” or also “a WhatsApp to my wife”.

How to get Google to call my contacts

Google Assistant provides you with many functions such as calling household or domestic contacts , since when we add them to the household contact list anyone can call us using Google Assistant, this is very simple, you just have to say “Ok Google, call Carlos ” and voila, you can enjoy your call.

How to configure Google Assistant to recognize nicknames

First of all, what you do is program the voice assistant. Tell it, for example, this expression “call my boss”. Once this is achieved, the google voice assistant will ask the question: “Who is your boss? “Because the mobile has an agenda where the contacts are registered, what is done is to indicate the name, then we proceed to corroborate with a” yes “. A first attempt should only be made once.

When the person wants to instruct this assistant by pointing to “call my boss”, they will make the call immediately. The planning that is done with respect to the contact to be located can be deleted later and does not represent any problem. Hence, what some designate as a voice command, what they must issue is “Maria is no longer my boss” (this is the case if the name belongs to the boss). It is important that the user corroborate this disabling.

It is essential to bear in mind that this particularity is executed if the English language is configured in this Google Assistent programming as the primary language. Something very practical that can be done is that the same person designates these nicknames using what is called a mobile phone book , without having to use voice commands.

For Google Assistant to recognize nicknames, you just have to enter the application and select the microphone or order the command “Ok Google” and you should tell the Google Assistant the relationship or nicknames you want to add, for example; Carlos is my father, in case you have several contacts with that name, Google Assistant will teach you to select the correct contact.

On the other hand, if you tell your virtual assistant “Call my father” she will ask you Who is your father? You must respond with the name of the contact and rectify with a Yes , it  will automatically save the relationship and remember it for the future.  

Set nicknames in Google Assistant manually

If the user wants to add the nickname of one of his contacts, what he has to do is locate the agenda or the contacts on the mobile and then choose his contact and press the edit option which is identified on the mobile screen with the image of a pencil.

Then in the box called nickname, the person can write what he wants. This time the nickname that she wishes to attach is boss. This procedure is transformable , so the user can delete the nickname of any contact and change it to another whenever he wishes.

In this way the speech recognition process will be conducted accordingly. Sometimes it happens that the name of the contact is a word similar to the relationship or link that the user has with that contact, the voice assistant will be able to distinguish it in an intelligent way.

That is, if you prefer to configure the nicknames of your contacts manually and do not know how to do it, do not worry, it is a very easy procedure to perform, you just have to enter your contacts and select the contact you want to configure, then select “Edit contact” and in the Nicknames section write the relationship or the nickname you want to put as Brother, Dad, Mom etc; select save and you’re done.

It can be cited as an example, if the contact appears with the name of “dad” the user uses the voice command “call my dad”, he will immediately call his father, he will recognize that affiliation . If one of the user’s contacts appears as mother, in English it means mom, if he tells him to “call my mom” he will proceed to do so by locating this contact with the word mother.

From the above it is deduced that Google Assistent is a very valuable tool , the maximum benefit can be extracted from it, therefore its application and use is stimulated.

How to edit or delete nicknames

If you want to change the relationship of a contact, for example that of your boyfriend or in that case your ex, you just have to tell your virtual assistant “Jesus is no longer my boyfriend” and Google Assistant will no longer remember him with that nickname.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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