How to identify hormonal disorders?

Behind the good functioning of the organism, there are several factors at work, among which are the hormones. Distributed throughout the body, they control the way it works and are directly related to metabolism and development. So, if there are any changes in them, the so-called: hormonal disorders can arise.

Among the most common, it is possible to mention hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, androgenic deficiency, Cushing’s syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and stress .

Do you want to know more about the subject and understand how it is possible to identify hormonal disorders? So, read on and know some of the main symptoms!

Weight gain or loss

The human organism, when adapted to dietary patterns that meet the biological needs of each individual and to the regular practice of physical activities, tends to maintain a constant weight .

Any major change in body mass, although it also depends on age conditions and other lifestyle habits, should draw attention.

Cases of increased or excessive weight loss in short periods can be symptoms of hormonal disorders.

In women, it is common for weight gain to be related to polycystic ovary syndrome, when there is an increase in testosterone and, frequently, insulin resistance.

In this circumstance, there is an increase in blood sugar levels. And that is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes and gaining body fat, especially in the abdomen.

In both sexes, more frequent among them, there is hypothyroidism, caused when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones and leads to a slower metabolism. The result is weight gain.

Hyperthyroidism, in contrast to the previous case, leads to an enlarged gland, with excess hormone production and unexpected weight loss.

Acne onset

Although acne is quite common in women in the premenstrual phase, even in adults, when it is persistent and chronic, there can be hormonal disorders.

In these cases, the increased oiliness on the face that aggravates the birth of pimples also tends to be related to the sexual glands, that is, ovaries.

Irregularities in the menstrual period

Changes in the menstrual period, such as amenorrhea (absence or excess of menstruation) are symptoms related to polycystic ovary syndrome.

In addition, dysfunctions in the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and spikes in cortisol may also have to do with irregularities.

In the latter case, in situations of great stress, the body can completely deregulate the natural cycles, which generates anxiety and irritation.


In both men and women, infertility has the potential to be linked to disorders of hormones, when there is dysfunction of the sexual glands. Thus, it is commonly associated with decreased libido, vaginal dryness and erectile dysfunction.

In the case of men, in addition to the loss of sexual interest, the drop in testosterone in the body, caused by diseases detected in the testicles and pituitary gland, indicates androgenic deficiency. The condition should be investigated closely by a urologist.

Digestion changes

The increase in cortisol, a stress-related hormone, has a physical impact on the body.

In some people, changes due to hormonal disorders reach the stomach and intestine. They lead to inflammation, constipation, excessive flatulence, constipation and diarrhea.

Abnormal hunger increase

Especially among those who live under stressful situations and have poor sleep, with much less hours of rest than those ideal for maintaining health, changes in appetite are common.

High cortisol, combined with tiredness, also triggers changes in the levels of the hormone ghrelin, which leads to increased hunger.

In these circumstances, it is common, for example, to wake up during the night with an unusual desire to eat, capable of leading to weight gain.

Tiredness and irritability

Have you been experiencing unusual mood swings for no apparent reason? Are you tired even when you are not exposed to situations of excess, such as a lot of work, physical activities or tasks of any other nature?

These are also common symptoms of hormonal disorders, which show an imbalance in the functioning of the body.

The reduction of hormones formed by the thyroid triggers losses in mental functioning and in the heart rate itself. Consequently, the individual finds himself much less productive.

Loss of muscle mass

The hormone testosterone, which is more abundant in the male organism than in the female organism, is responsible for the gain and maintenance of muscle mass.

Not by chance, men’s bodies have a greater amount of muscle, by nature.

Thus, when there is a hormonal drop, it is possible to observe a loss of atypical muscle mass, which requires investigation.

Changes in memory and cognitive functions

Hypothyroidism is behind several symptoms, as we present in this article, and it also manages to impact memory. Not for nothing, it affects the functioning of the brain and disrupts concentration tasks.

Sometimes they just said something to you and have you forgotten? Pay attention to the regularity of these memory lapses and seek medical help!

Sleep changes

Both men and women may suffer from hormonal disorders that negatively impact sleep. Sleeping more than necessary or much less.

In them, the changes may be due to the reduction of progesterone. Although this condition is common in the period before the menstrual period, the persistence of the problem tends to be a sign of caution.

Excess sleep combined with fatigue has already become, through clinical examination, a symptom that warns of suspected hypothyroidism, that is, a general metabolic slowness.

Diagnosis of hormonal disorders

Have you frequently experienced any or more of one of the highlighted symptoms and do you fear that there may be problems with your hormones?

So, the best indication is to look for an endocrinologist .  And in cases related to sexual issues, see your  urologist or gynecologist.

Thus, these professionals may request the blood tests necessary to prove the hormonal change and its respective cause.

In the case of problems in the pituitary and thyroid, it is recurrent that image exams, such as tomography and magnetic resonance , are also associated in order to observe the appearance of the glands.

Hormonal disorders can be caused by several factors, such as diabetes, psychological changes, stress, eating disorders, regular use of drugs and cancer .

In addition to them, genetic predisposition is common.

Only with medical supervision, however, is it possible to discover and treat the responsible cause or their association.

Treatment of hormonal disorders

After making the diagnosis, it is essential to take care of any hormonal disorders, since its worsening can lead to high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, infertility, depression and type 2 diabetes.

In most cases, doctors recommend strategies such as:

  • changes in diet, with healthier habits , avoiding excess sugar, salt and fat;
  • regular practice of physical activities;
  • relaxation techniques to reduce stress;
  • avoid consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, anabolic steroids and any other drugs;
  • use of medicines for regularization;
  • hormone replacement.

Each treatment, however, varies according to the patient’s condition, such as age, degree of modification of the hormones and reasons associated with them.

Although hormonal disorders are able to greatly upset those who present them, there is no need to panic, as there are several alternatives to treat and regulate them again. When there is medical monitoring and maintenance of healthy habits, after all, it is easier to have a life full of well-being.

by Abdullah Sam
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