How to use Google Maps in ‘Dark Mode’

The Google Maps application is quite frequently used, in its new updates it has included the option for the user to change the default theme of the application (white-bright) to ‘dark mode’, which is a little more comfortable for many of the users of this real-time location application.

Index(  )

  1. What are the benefits that you will get by enabling this mode in Maps?
    1. Sight rest
    2. Save battery and improve the performance of your device
  2. What steps should you follow to activate the dark mode in Google Maps?
    1. On an iPhone device
    2. With the application on Android
  3. How can you use Google Maps in dark mode from the website?

What are the benefits that you will get by enabling this mode in Maps?

Almost all the applications that exist today have included in their configurations the dark mode, which has many long-term benefits for the user and also many like this mode more for aesthetic reasons.

The dark mode within Google Maps offers several benefits to its users, although this setting is only available within the application itself . Therefore, your experience when navigating within Google Maps can be better if you use the application so as not to miss out on the options it has to offer you.

Sight rest

It is well known that the frequent use of the cell phone or PC can have consequences to the eye, this damage is due to constant exposure to the brightness of the screens. The dark mode reduces the level of brightness when changing the pages and applications to dark colors, mainly black, this reduces the effort and fatigue of the eyes with the use of the application.

Save battery and improve the performance of your device

Most of the battery percentage is consumed through screen brightness ; Therefore, the lower the brightness, the lower the speed of battery consumption, excessive battery consumption can affect the performance of the device, so dark mode can reduce battery consumption and improve the performance of your mobile.

What steps should you follow to activate the dark mode in Google Maps?

All devices have the option of setting Google Maps to dark mode, to do this you must have the application and have the most up-to-date version of it, since this mode is not available in previous versions. If dark mode is not among your options, you must enter the Play Store and update your Google Maps app .

On an iPhone device

From iPhone, if you want to change the traditional (light) mode of the application to dark mode, you must enter Google Maps and press the icon in the upper right corner that shows the profile photo of your Google account or the initial of your name. Username. You will see a list of options and you must press ‘settings’.

When entering settings, press the option ‘dark mode’ to see the settings of the presentation in the application, being here you will see the option to activate the dark mode or deactivate it , even the option that the application mode is according to the device mode in general.

With the application on Android

Android implemented this mode first than iPhone , you can activate the dark mode when entering the Google Maps application and on the main page press the icon that is in the upper right corner, the circle that shows your Google profile photo or in some cases the initial of your username.

Once you have pressed the icon in question, you will see a list of options; Press the ‘settings’ option and enter the Google Maps configuration, now you must select ‘Theme’ and you will see a tab where you can choose which theme you want your application to present or if you want to alternate between light and dark themes .

How can you use Google Maps in dark mode from the website?

From the website , Google Maps keeps its original theme in light mode, although it is possible to change the presentation to dark mode by entering Google Maps and logging into your Google account and opening the side menu, press ‘settings’ and enter ‘navigation settings’; open the ‘Display’ section and choose the ‘night’ mode in the ‘color’ section.

Once you have chosen the ‘night’ mode for your navigation in Google Maps, you will see that the colors of your map will have changed to dark tones . This is the way to use the dark mode within Google Maps on the website until Google includes the dark mode in the interface settings to be fully applied in the application.

The most recommended thing if you are a frequent user of Google Maps, is that you install the application instead of using the browser or website; In this way, you will be able to enjoy all the options offered by the application , including the ‘dark mode’ which, as mentioned above, can be more comfortable to look at and uses a lower percentage of the battery.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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