How to upload a PDF file of a post on Twitter?

Simply logging into Twitter gives us many possibilities to interact with people from all over the world. If you are one of the great lovers of this social network, you should know that it is now possible to upload PDF in a post . Allowing us to share all our files with our followers.

Index( )

  1. What should you know before posting a PDF on Twitter?
    1. Privacy
    2. Consider using a shortener
  2. How do you upload a PDF to Twitter according to your operating system?
    1. Windows 10
    2. from a Mac
    3. Smartphone Android o iOS

What should you know before posting a PDF on Twitter?

It can be said that around the world a large part of the people have used or use Twitter . Therefore, the company that created this successful platform has added various ways to find our acquaintances or friends. Now more than ever searching for someone by their phone number or email is easier and faster. Giving us the possibility of contacting many more people from the comfort of our home.

Whether for professional use or simple hobby, now in our account within the interface it is possible to upload various files such as photos and of course information in PDF format. In addition, it does not limit us to a single way of doing it, since it is possible both from our mobile device and from the computer. However, you have to keep in mind some small details so that everything is uploaded effectively.


It may happen that the information that you want to share is of our authorship and therefore, we do not want it to be downloaded indefinitely. Once our PDF is uploaded it can reach all parts of the world if our account is public. Therefore, we must be careful when sharing certain information. That is why it is important to configure our privacy to block the possibility of downloading.

Even if we only want the information to be known by our followers and only they can download it. It is essential to change the privacy of our account , making it private. Similarly, we must remember that Word documents can be protected in the Office package, just like PDF documents. For which we can configure a password for our file , preventing the information from being used.

Consider using a shortener

It is essential to consider the use of a shortener to copy the URL in a more elegant way . Since these become quite long in some cases and Twitter in its Tweets has always allowed a maximum of 140 characters.

There are different platforms that can be of help to shorten and in this way get a shorter URL . Allowing us to write our opinion in the same post. Some that can be a very good option are Twitter, or, we just have to enter, paste the link and wait for the result that the page gives us.

How do you upload a PDF to Twitter according to your operating system?

One of the best things about the Twitter platform is that it can be accessed from any device . In this way, expanding the possibility that many more people can join its community and enjoy the various features it offers.

Uploading a PDF file in a regular Tweet requires a third-party cloud storage program . The PDF will have to be uploaded to a site like OneDrive or iCloud, this only ensures that we can do it either from an Android or iOS device. Finally, from there we can share our file on Twitter.

It can be said that the only small complication when uploading a PDF file is the length of the URL. Since we always have to be aware that the 140 characters will be a limitation . In addition, it is always uploaded through a link and people who want to view the file must enter it.

Windows 10

Although the platform was created with the intention of only being used through mobile devices such as cell phones or a tablet. Right now it is possible to enter through the web page within our computer.

Keep in mind that like any social network for interaction, it is essential to have an internet connection. Therefore, in case of any inconvenience, it is important to solve the Wifi disconnection problems.

To upload a PDF file from Windows 10, you need to log in from the official Twitter site. Once there, you must select Tweet, and copy the URL. And if we want, we could also add a comment to the same post.

from a Mac

As for Mac users, the process is quite similar. Similarly, it is important to have a stable internet connection to access the browser and the website. Once there, you must log in with the username and password, press the Tweet option and paste the URL of the PDF that we want to share, so that the Tweet can be uploaded quickly.

Smartphone Android o iOS

When we have downloaded the app, we will log in or in that case we will register following the steps. Once inside, we select the Tweet option and we will choose the storage platform for our PDF.

When our file is uploaded we can copy the link and paste it in our Tweet . Bearing in mind not to exceed the 140 characters allowed. Therefore, it is important to always use a shortener to avoid any inconvenience in both the application and the website.

Similarly, the platform allows us to create threads with various files, texts and images. In case you want to tell an anecdote or make any relevant information known to our followers and the general public


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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