How to unsubscribe from Starzplay

StarzPlay is a streaming platform with very varied content; But if you have been using it for a while and you do not want to continue with your subscription, it is because of its cost, because you do not use it or you did not like its content, in this article we will explain step by step how to cancel your StarzPlay subscription forever? 

If you canceled your Starz account because you didn’t like its content, its cost, or want something different, we’ll show you other streaming platforms that offer great content for all ages at an affordable cost.

Netflix is ​​the most famous streaming platform of the moment, offering everything from popular series and movies to original productions. Downloading and installing Netflix on the PC or on a smartphone is very simple, and its plans are designed for all types of users.

How to Cancel my StarzPlay Subscription Forever

On the other hand, HBO GO is a platform where you can find a variety of series, documentaries and blockbuster movies for all ages, creating an account on HBO Go is very easy .

Additionally, you can think about  hiring or subscribing to Amazon Prime Video which is an excellent option, because this Amazon streaming service offers a large number of programs, series, movies and documentaries.

If StarzPlay was not the streaming platform you were looking for, you don’t have to give up, join some of the platforms mentioned above and enjoy great productions.

Index(  )

  1. Through online
  2. By Android mobile
  3. Using Amazon Prime

What are the methods to cancel Starzplay?

Canceling the StarzPlay subscription is very simple, you can even do it from the web browser, using your Android or iOS device or through your Amazon Prime account. We will show you the steps to follow in each of these cases.

·             Through online

Of all the methods that exist to cancel the StarzPlay subscription, this is the most used method because any user can access the internet either from their computer or from their mobile, these are the steps to follow:

  1. Enter the official StarzPlay page by typing the following URL www.starz.comin the address bar .
  2. Once inside the official page, click on the three horizontal lines that are in the upper right corner; then you will see a menu on the right-hand side screen where you must click on the “Login”option .
  3. You will immediately see two boxes on the screen where you must enter your email and password, and then click on “Login”.
  4. Once inside your account, go to the bottom and click on “Subscriptions”found in the “Account” section.
  5. It will then redirect you to the subscription page where you must click on the “Cancel subscriptions”option ; StarzPlay will ask you to explain the reason for your cancellation.
  6. Finally, click on “Continue cancellation”to finish the process.

·             By Android mobile

This method can only be used by those users who subscribed to StarzPlay through the Google Play Store; If you use Google Play to manage your Starz account, these are the steps you must follow to cancel your subscription forever.

  1. Open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Click on the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner; when a menu is displayed, select “Subscriptions”.
  3. You will immediately see all the subscriptions you have, select the one from Starz.
  4. Within the StarzPlay subscription you must click on the “Cancel”button .
  5. Now you must confirm the cancellation of your subscription by pressing the “Yes” button.

·             Using Amazon Prime

This alternative can be used only by those users who linked their Starz account to Amazon Prime or if the Starz membership is part of Amazon Prime.

  1. From your browser, go to the Amazon Prime home page and log into your account.
  2. Once inside your account, click on the menu, and select “Accounts and lists”.
  3. When a series of options is displayed, click on “Memberships and subscriptions”.
  4. In that section you must select “Prime Video Channels”.
  5. Then you must click on the Starz channel and in the “Actions” section click on the “Cancel Channel”option .
  6. Finally, you must confirm the cancellation of the service in the “Confirm” button. If you wish, you can also unsubscribe from Amazon Prime .
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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