How to understand the measurements of the wipers

Winter is approaching and, with it, also the season when wipers end up being used more frequently. Moreover, winter comes after a basically dry season like summer (and, in some regions, autumn is also taking on this characteristic), with the consequence of putting our windshield wipers to the test.

In short, it is not uncommon for many people to end up operating the windshield wipers to realize, just in time of need, that they need to be changed .

But how to do it? And, even before that, how to understand the measures of the wipers in order to buy the most useful model for your vehicle?


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How to measure the wipers

How long do the wiper blades last and how much they cost

How to extend the life of the wiper blades

How to measure the wipers

In the previous lines we have anticipated how important it is to try to have healthy wipers when approaching winter. And we also realized that the best way to proceed with the replacement of the wipers is to measure the blades, because only in this way will we be able to buy the right model for our vehicle.

Well, in this context it is good to remember that the length of the wiper blades can be very variable, and that in the vast majority of cases the driver’s side blade is slightly longer (a few centimeters) than that of the passenger side.

In any case, to be able to measure the wipers it will be sufficient to carry out a manual check, measuring the extension of the blade with a centimeter. If you do not want to do this, and you can read the make and model of the brush, you can search online, on the manufacturer’s website, for the technical characteristics.

If not, you can instead rely on the car manufacturer’s manual, which will report which are the compatible models and lengths of the wiper blades.

How long do wiper blades last and how much do they cost

It is difficult to try to understand how long the wiper blades last . On the other hand, it is very important to remember once again that it is essential that the brushes are always in good order and in good efficiency, because otherwise the driving safety will obviously be compromised, with what follows for the own protection of the vehicle occupants and of other vehicles.

In any case, it can be said that the duration of the wiper blades depends largely on the conditions of use, external agents, and the care and maintenance that the vehicle owner puts away. Typically, a quality wiper blade can last a year or two but … be careful not to rely too heavily on these time frames. Instead, it is much better to try to carry out periodic maintenance, especially before the periods of greatest use, to be able to realize how much, actually, the brushes are wearing out and require replacement.

As for the prices of the wiper blades , also in this case we must always remember that a lot depends on the type of model and quality of the brush, the materials used and other details. In general, the market price for a pair of wiper blades is between 30 and 60 euros.

How to extend the life of the wiper blades

That said, if you want a little advice that will allow you to extend the life of your wiper blades, we suggest that you always check that the wiper rubber pads are clean. A periodic check on their conditions is in fact an evidently very responsible gesture and able to extend their effectiveness over time. It will be enough to clean the rubber pads of which the brushes are made from time to time with a damp microfiber cloth, with the help of the washer fluid, in order to eliminate dust particles and other wear residues from their wiper blades, and postpone the time of their replacement over time. .


by Abdullah Sam
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