How to choose the best tires

One aspect that is too overlooked on our cars is tire maintenance . Few people check tire pressure on time and, even rarer, those who dedicate time to careful tire selection.

Yet performance, road holding and fuel consumption largely depend on the tires we choose. When we decide to change car tires, there are many factors to consider and we can find ourselves confused when faced with a wide choice. The factor that first comes to our attention is the price: some tires are very expensive and others cheaper. Indeed, it is possible to buy inexpensive tires but one should ensure a quality product.


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How to choose the best tires

Speed ​​index

How to know when to change tires

How to choose the best tires

To orient ourselves in the choice we can use platforms such as and follow a few simple basic rules.

When choosing new car tires , ask yourself three simple questions:

  • What temperatures does your geographic region offer and what are the typical weather conditions? What are the worst conditions you could face?
  • Do your habits lead you to drive more in the city center, on off-road trails, mountain areas or on highways?
  • What’s your driving style? Do you like to feel the road or do you prefer an extremely comfortable and cushioned ride?

Based on your answers, you can guide your choice. Generally speaking, if you live in the south of Italy and the temperatures do not drop below zero stably, you can buy summer tires or all-season tires.

If you live in the north of Italy, it might be worthwhile to buy winter tires and then change to summer tires as the good seasons arrive. Of course, even in the north you could opt for four season tires , as long as you choose high quality tires, able to offer excellent grip on potentially icy roads. Four-season tires may not be enough when road surfaces are particularly icy.

Thinking about the roads you intend to travel on, you can choose tires that offer a different braking distance (optimal for the city center, at high speed for the motorway) or a particularly pronounced grip if you drive on muddy terrain or mountain roads.

Speed ​​index

When we choose tires, we can find ourselves faced with various characteristics that are also difficult to interpret, among these we point out the speed index . This parameter reveals several technicalities but here we will explain how to use it in practical terms.

If you like a quiet and comfortable ride, turn your attention to tires that explicitly mention quietness and ride comfort. Typically, these tires have a speed index with low values ​​(S, T or H value). A low speed index favors the suspension, offers a cushioned ride and high comfort. To avoid, in this context, are also the car tires that see  particularly aggressive patterns on the tread  .

If, on the other hand, you prefer a sportier ride, feel every curve and you are not afraid of the imperfections of the road surface, you can choose tires that have higher speed values. They are described as ” high performance tires “. These tires offer more control, perfect for precise driving but are also stiffer. In the description there are notes that enhance the steering precision and handling.

Obviously, before choosing your tires, read your car’s booklet or user manual and follow the dimensions and characteristics prescribed by the manufacturer.

How to know when to change tires

Some recommend changing tires every 60,000 km, however this indicator may be valid for remanufactured and cheaper tires but not very generous for high quality tires.

Driving style as well as road surface and suspension system affect tire life. To understand when to change tires, just look at the depth of the tread: on the same wheel there is a wear indicator . By law, the tread depth must never exceed the wear bars engraved in the rubber. When the tread is worn to the point of reaching the level of the incision, a prompt replacement will be required.

Remember that all tires have a function to perform: they must support the vehicle, allow good steering and ensure safety when braking, if the tires are worn they cannot do any of this.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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