How to crop an image with exact proportion and measurements in Photoshop?

Photoshop is the platform for designers, as it has a lot of excellent tools, some of which even allow you to recover a pixelated image . For this reason everyone wants to learn how to use this program to the fullest , and with that in mind today you will see How to trim with exact proportion and measurements?

And it is that, although it sounds like something very simple to do, the reality is that not everyone knows how they can cut exactly in Photoshop , because the option is not really in plain sight and you have to make a few small selections within the program. which makes it imperative that a guide like this be created.

It should be noted that before starting you should make sure that you have the latest version of Photoshop , or at least that you have a version downloaded from the official page, because if not, you may not get the options that will be described below.

Index( )

  1. How to cut with proportion and exact measurements?
  2. Resize an image with Photoshop!

How to cut with proportion and exact measurements?

To start and learn as soon as possible how to crop with proportion and exact measurements in Photoshop, the first thing you have to do is turn your image into a smart object, since without that, changing your image data may lose quality .

Now, to achieve this, you have to stand on top of your layer and right-click, that will display a menu where you must choose the option called “Convert into a smart object”.

With that, your image will already be a smart object, so the next step is to go to the toolbar that is on the left side of the screen and press the “Crop” tool, which is identified with a box icon. white being trimmed.

Having already selected it, you must choose the area where you want to make the cut, then you have to go to the two boxes that appear right in the top bar and there choose the width and length you want for your image, once you have them, You just have to hit enter and voila, you will have a perfect cutout in Photoshop of the image.

It should also be noted that if you do not have an exact measurement in mind, you can click on the option that appears next to the boxes called “Proportion” , which lets you choose an exact predetermined proportion, which you can use whenever you want.

Resize an image with Photoshop!

With the above, you already know how to cut an image with proportion and exact measurements in Photoshop, so now as a little extra, you will learn to resize an image exactly as you want without losing quality.

To achieve this, you have to first select your image, then go to the menu at the top called “Image”. When you are on top of it, several options will be displayed, from which you must choose “Image size ”. With this action, a dialog box will appear where you can choose the pixels or centimeters, the width, the height, among other things.

To resize the image, all you have to do is change the height to the one you want , and then click “OK”, so when making the changes the width will automatically adapt to the height, allowing the image to be symmetrical and with good quality.

And voila, with that you know everything you need to be able to cut an image with proportion and exact measurements in Photoshop, and also resize the entire image without losing quality and shape.

Now, all you have to do is keep looking for information to complement your knowledge of Photoshop , since this will make it easier for you to carry out this process and many more.

A personal recommendation is to learn to use Photoshop’s ruler tool , so that you keep everything symmetrical and never have an image out of square or distorted.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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