How to touch up the car bumper

Touching up a small damage to the bumper or the plastic moldings of the body without contacting the body shop is a do-it-yourself job that can be successful, or do you risk ruining your car forever? Let’s find out together in the article.

Can you repair the bumper?

A little damage to the bumper happens to everyone sooner or later: what to do in this case?

Asking the body builder for help immediately is certainly a very valid choice, but there are also cases in which you can try the do-it-yourself repair: this is a solution that can only be evaluated if the damaged part is not very extensive, a fundamental characteristic for a successful intervention.

Furthermore, following this first evaluation, you need to know that you need a quiet place in which to operate, the right tools, dexterity and patience: seen from this point of view, the opportunity to take care of the car is not only useful for saving, but even have some fun.

How to repair a bumper do it yourself

Now let’s understand how. First of all, here is a list of the materials needed to carry out the repair :

  • multipurpose drill
  • professional hairdryer
  • brushes and abrasive cylinders
  • aluminum oxide abrasive clips
  • water and car shampoo
  • rags
  • abrasive sponge
  • putty and spatulas for bodywork
  • spray paint in the color of the bumper or molding to be repaired
  • newspaper and masking tape

Always start by cleaning thoroughly , but gently, the surface near the damage, then rinse and let it dry completely.

You will need the hair dryer to gently melt the sides of the crack to make them moldable and bring them closer together: at this point you will have to let the plastic cool for a few minutes and then use the drill with the abrasive brushes to eliminate any imperfections.

The abrasive cylinders, on the other hand, are used to smooth and polish the surface on which you will then spread the grout: the trick is to use very little of it, working it to the fullest.

Now we move on to the preparation phase for painting : delimit the area to be painted with newspaper and adhesive tape, proceed and then polish the entire bumper. The top would take it apart, but don’t do it yourself.

With this smattering you can figure out for yourself if it is appropriate to try the DIY bumper repair or if it is better to contact a professional.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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