How a stylus works on my touch device

Written or representative expression through drawing has accompanied humanity from remote evolutionary origins, writing became art, and drawing, it does not even have to be referred to, is art. At the dawn of modernity, it is desired to have the best programs for drawing on Windows PC , to apply the same desire to other preludes as having the best applications for drawing on iPhone .

Which shows that digital adopts all aspects of life, as an improvement or as a link of use, for example actions such as writing by hand on a cell phone or Tablet, or taking graphic art in a new dimension and using the best applications to learning to draw anime on Tablet or cell phone, will be a sample of the relationship between progress and link.

This link between the physical and the digital is going to merit tools, and one of the most demanded will be the stylus , so we are going to break down everything about its operation, the existing typology and of course, leave an appreciation on which are the best.

Index(  )

  1. How a stylus works on my touch device
  2. What is a capacitive stylus?
  3. What types of stylus are there?
    1. Traditional stylus pen
    2. Active stylus pen
    3. Passive stylus pen
  4. Can I use a universal pen or do I need the brand of the tablet?
  5. Buying guide: How to decide for one?
    1. Size and weight
    2. Type of technology you use
    3. Tip
    4. Pressure level
  6. Appreciation on which are the best stylus pens

How a stylus works on my touch device

The spectrum of use of the stylus is applicable to many aspects of daily life and specialized tasks. They represent a useful tool when used for common or routine use, since many users express their attraction to using the stylus on cell phones, since it allows them greater precision when pressing small elements.

If we refer to the use of this well-versed element, within the field of elements such as Tablet, we will notice that its demand grows, for reasons both of comfort when moving around a larger screen, but mostly for labor issues. There are countless nascent uses of the operation of this element in Tablets , from the business sphere, such as the design and creation of virtual material.

On the other hand, in the PC, it becomes with specialized nuances, since it will be used mostly for the operation of advanced design elements , both in the field of drawing and in graphic design, by means of an element adapted to the PC, called a graphics tablet. What makes the stylus a tool of the highest technology and precision.

What is a capacitive stylus?

They are a type of digital pen that cannot be touch sensitive; that is to say, it has a function basically similar to the fingers of any person. It works on all types of passive screen (that you can control with your fingers); It is also very easy to use and you will surely take advantage of it.

One of its main characteristics is that its tip tends to be a little thicker like its body; so it is of great help for people with large hands or who cannot adapt to a small or fine stylus. However, with the technological advances and the needs of the users, some brands have developed it with a lighter physical shape and with a fine tip; making it ideal for more touch sensitive screens.

What types of stylus are there?

Its typology tends to be discussed among itself, and it is designated by two categories , or it opts for broader aspects and a specialization in three typological branches is invoked. But this happens without much disparity, since they all focus on the two aspects or branches denoted by their use and characteristics, those of the active branch, or of specialized use, or those of the passive branch or of routine use.

The stylus manages to have categories according to its utility, components and internal system. We present below the three main classifications of this type of digital pens that are commonly used.

Traditional stylus pen

In the space of the specialized or active typology, the stylus for professional or business use will be included . Where the characteristics of the same, it will be focused on its precision and high efficiency for activities of an artistic nature, graphic design or similar spaces. So it will be more recurrent to be used on PC or Tablet.

It is one of the most commercial and used ; because it is compatible with countless electronic devices (phones, tablets, computers, Nintendo DS, etc …); It has a pressure system and its application tends to be very comfortable. Its physical characteristics are:

  • Finite
  • Fine point
  • Short size (approximately 7cm)
  • Lightweight

Active stylus pen

Active stylus pens are powered by technology and batteries. By having a much more sophisticated system than the others, its physical condition and design make it larger and somewhat heavier than normal. It also has the peculiarity of working on any digital screen, including LCD televisions.

On the other hand, it is very important that you know that this type of Stylus pen manages to detect the palm of the user’s hand and its position; this due to the high range of technology it has. In turn, it tends to perform command functions such as a mouse or keyboard that works for PCs.

Passive stylus pen

For their part, in routine or passive preludes, their use is focused on general media such as cell phones, where the required precision will not demand financial aspects, that is, it will not depend on the creation of business material, or on highly consummate quality, as if it were artwork . Its use is mainly for the comfort of bulky mobile phones or Tablet.

The latter’s main feature is that it does not have any type of technology and that it does not work under pressure either . Unlike the others, it is not so small and its tip is made of rubber and round; which makes it perfect for contacting all types of digital display. However, it is not very functional since it does not move easily and only serves as a pointer.

Can I use a universal pen or do I need the brand of the tablet?

Many users always tend to be confused on which stylus they need to use with their tablets and other digital devices. In this sense, the first thing that must be taken into consideration is the compatibility of the device’s screen ; Another outstanding aspect is the compound and composition system of the pencil and; lastly see the brand of the tablet.

So, depending on these characteristics, you will use the appropriate pencil. In various situations, the universal or traditional tends to serve ; but in contrary cases they require a specialized one, either an active or passive Stylus pen. But, in particular cases such as the Wacom brand; The stylus of the same brand is required, as it does not work with any other type of digital pen.

Buying guide: How to decide for one?

According to the needs and usefulness that you can give it, we will give you enough advice so that you can choose the most convenient one for you. Therefore, basic characteristics such as those explained below must be taken into consideration.

Size and weight

This can vary due to the amount of time you spend on it. If you are a designer, architect or engineer; preferably look for one that is a bit long but light enough that it doesn’t tire your hand quickly . But in the case of not giving it a sustained use for a good time; then you can acquire the one that suits your style and achieve complete domination with your hands.

Type of technology you use

Here it is very crucial that you know what is the purpose of using the stylus. If it is only to play, perform simple functions and even hardly use it; You don’t need to have such advanced technology, just something basic and elementary to perform common functions.

However, if you need to give it greater use and use it for activities that require greater precision and more advanced technological development; then you should consider buying one that is of the active Stylus pen type; so that you get more benefit and perform much more in your work.


This criterion is already personal and according to use. There are two main types of tips: fine and round. They are used according to the desired purposes, but generally most users require a fine tip; since the round one is not very functional and they cannot get more out of it.

Pressure level

Pressure is not that important to many users; However, it is a factor that can be detrimental if we do not know what is needed for the activities we carry out. This is related to the friction given on the screen of the touch devices you use; if this is low, then the stylus will not be accurate enough; so it is necessary that they are balanced so that their work is ideal.

Appreciation on which are the best stylus pens

The abstract concept of improvement will depend on the use that you want to give the stylus, so this will directly affect the brand, specification and desired precision. In general terms, the most demanded in the market is the Ciscle Stylus , but there are others that deserve equal attention.

Among them we will find models like the Mixoo, which is a great competitor due to its great commercial balance between cost and quality offered. The Zspeed is also added, whose precision for drawing is in great demand by those who opt for this area of ​​use.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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