How to Sign in to Airbnb as a Host or Owner

If you are an adventurous person who likes to discover new places and people, you should not hesitate to use the Airbnb app . A platform that allows you to rent a house or a room, reducing the cost of your trip in terms of paying for accommodation and also giving you the opportunity to live new experiences. This is why it is important to learn how to sign in to Airbnb as a host or owner .

Joining Airbnb as a host can be beneficial for those who need extra income and also like to meet people from other places. In this guide we will show you step by step how to do it.


  1. Sign up to sign in to Airbnb as a host or owner with your mobile number
  2. Register with Google or Gmail account
    1. Sign up for Airbnb with your Facebook account

Sign up to sign in to Airbnb as a host or owner with your mobile number

This process is for those who have not heard of the website before, it allows you to add a little extra profitability to rooms or houses with extra space.

  1. Complete the registration by going to the web, which you can find through the browser simply by typing « Airbnb ».
  2. The URL is identifiable, so it won’t be too difficult to figure out what it is, apart from being the top search result.
  3. Once you enter the website, you will see a button on the top right that says “ Sign up”.
  4. The traditional way to register as a host on Airbnb is to use your mobile phone number with the region code of the countryyou are in.
  5. When you enter the requested information, you will be alerted that the information provided must be verifiedin order for the matter to be processed successfully.
  6. You will then be asked if you would like to receive a call or text messageto verify details and complete registration.

Register with Google or Gmail account

Another way to register as an Airbnb host is to sign in with your Gmail or Google account :

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

  1. To do this, you will need to log in to the search engine site.
  2. If you have already configured the « login» of your email account, you can register by entering the site again and clicking on the « Register » button.
  3. It doesn’t matter if you choose ” Login” because the same popup will appear asking for the above information.
  4. If you look closely, you’ll find more sign-up options at the bottom, including one labeled ” Continue with Google.” If you click on it, a new window will open and a radio button will appear where you will have to select which Gmail email address you want to continue with.
  5. You will then have to re-enter your password (sometimes it is not necessary) and click ” OK” to complete the process.

Sign up for Airbnb with your Facebook account

You can also register through your Facebook account or link it . Therefore, it is important that you open the account and keep it active.

  1. To do this, you will have to repeat the previous process, that is, go to the platform page and select ” Login” or ” Register “.
  2. Both options are valid since they open the same window in which we have to select the option « Continue with Facebook» to register as a host on Airbnb.
  3. A dialog box will then appear in which, by clicking ” OK“, you give your consent to register on this page with your social network account.

You can also create an Airbnb account with any email address , such as Hotmail or Yahoo.

In conclusion,  signing in to Airbnb as a host or owner is very easy , you can do it with a cell phone number, Google or Facebook account.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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