If you use Windows 10, you will surely have noticed that Microsoft’s anti-malware service significantly affects the performance of your computer. That is why we have decided to create a small guide for you to learn how to disable the Windows 10 Antimalware Service Executable .
Next, we will show you how you can easily disable it . However, this is not the only way to free up and optimize memory in Windows 10.
- Disable the Windows 10 Antimalware Service Executable from the registry editor
- How to turn off Windows Defender with the Group Policy editor
- Disable Windows Defender to turn off the Antimaleware Service
Disable the Windows 10 Antimalware Service Executable from the registry editor
- Press the « Windows + R» keys and a new window will appear. In this window, enter the word “ regedit ” and then click on the “ OK ” option.
- Locate the folder called ” HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” and open it.
- Right-click on the “ Windows Defender ” folder, select the “ New” option and finally click on “ DWORD ”.
- Lastly, select the “ DWORD” folder you just created, then select the “ DisableAntiSpyware ” option and reset the value to 1.
If you are not comfortable with the registry editor, you can also use the command prompt instead. If you are not familiar with this tool either, we have explained what it is, what it is for, and how to use the command prompt in another article.
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- To do this, press the « Windows + X» keys , which opens the « Wind + X » menu.
- Then you have to select the option « Command Prompt» or « PowerShell », which are in this menu that we just opened.
- When the command prompt opens, type ” REG ADD” to execute the following command: ” hklmsoftwarepoliciesmicrosoftwindowsdefender ” /v DisableAntiSpyware /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f “.
- Windows Defender will be disabled immediately.
How to turn off Windows Defender with the Group Policy editor
- Simultaneously press the « Windows + R» keys . Next, type ” msc ” and press Enter.
- This will launch the group policy editor. You should also keep in mind that this option is not available in bootable versions of Windows 10, but thanks to a little trick that we will show you later, you will see that it is possible to do it.
- In the bar on the left of the screen, you now have to look for “ Computer Configuration”, then “Administrative Templates”, “ Windows Components ”, “ Windows Defender Antivirus ”, and lastly “ Real-time Protection ”.
- Next, you have to click on the option « Disable real-time protection», which is located on the right side of the window.
- Select the “ Enabled” option and then click on the “ Apply ” option and finally click on the “ OK ” option for the changes to be saved successfully.
- At the end of this process, Windows Defender and the Antimalware service executable will be disabled.
On the other hand, keep in mind that this method will disable your computer’s antivirus protection , exposing your personal data. For this reason, we recommend that you use this method as a temporary measure and not a permanent one.
Disable Windows Defender to turn off the Antimaleware Service
- First of all, you need to press the “ Windows Key + I” key combination to open the “ Settings ” app.
- Go to the ” Update and Security” tab.
- Now click on the “ Windows Defender” option in the menu on the left side of the screen.
- To continue, select « Open Windows Defender Security Center» located on the right side of the window.
- This will bring up a new window in which you will need to select the “ Virus and threat protection” option.
- Click on the « Virus & Threat Protection Settings» option.
- Finally, uncheck the “ Real-time protection” option to disable Windows Defender and not have to worry about the antimalware service executable.
It’s good to know that you can further improve the performance of Windows 10 by following a series of simple steps.
As you can see, disabling the Antimalware Service Executable in Windows 10 is very easy , just remember to follow each of the steps.