How to see user ratings and stars from DIDI Conductor

DIDI began as a way to solve a problem to the growing demand of users who do not want to use the public transport service, for reasons that we already know. Ranging from traffic, to the discomfort that is generated when traveling in them. But when using DIDI, drivers perform what is called a user rating to express how their travel experience was with it. That is why below we will show you how you can see the ratings and stars of users from DIDI Conductores.

How to see User Ratings and Stars from my DIDI Conductor App

DIDI Pasajero has established itself as the best option that users have to make trips in the city when they need it. Where they offer the best and most varied services and their costs are lower if we compare it with other companies of this type. But even so, it continues to innovate and seek that the client live the best travel experience.

And we must not forget that DIDI has also included other functions that adapt to the current state of emergency that humanity is experiencing with the appearance of the coronavirus. And we are talking about the new DIDI Prevent , in which all the necessary security measures are taken to avoid infections, by making use of the different modalities offered by the company.


  • What are DIDI ratings and stars?
  • How to see user ratings and stars from DIDI Conductor

What are DIDI ratings and stars?

One of the main characteristics of DIDI as well as of other transport companies of this style and that makes it so in demand today. It is that it can be managed completely from a mobile application . You can download this to your smartphone regardless of which operating system you use is Android or iOS.

And it is through the DIDI App that both the driver and the user or passenger can rate how their travel experience has been. What does this mean, in the case of being a passenger and from the App you can rate the driver who provided the service. It is even possible to make a brief comment about the service, the driver, etc. And this will be taken into account by the company.

In the case of the driver, he can also rate the user and add a comment. This rating can be seen by other users and by other drivers. This ensures that both users and drivers adopt the best and healthiest composure when traveling.

And this in order not to suffer penalties ranging from suspensions to not being able to use the service if you are a passenger and dismissal if you are a driver, although it is also possible that you will be blocked .

How to see user ratings and stars from DIDI Conductor

Before starting, we will indicate that this rating is represented by star-shaped icons , with the highest rating being 5 stars and the lowest rating being 1 star. And this will be the way in which drivers at DIDI will see the rating or reputation of the client when using the service.

It is important that the people who use DIDI Passenger understand that the way they behave during the trip will determine their reputation . If they are polite, friendly, if they use safety systems such as belts, etc. If you are a passenger who has 5 stars, you will have a very fast response from the driver to accept your request.

But if your star rating is low, it means that you are a problem customer and the drivers will reject your travel requests. At the time the request for a trip is made, the driver will receive the information of the route, where the pick-up will be and the destination. You will also receive information about the user and their star rating .

All this from the application interface and in this way you can know the reputation that the client has obtained with other drivers. And now it will only be up to you to accept or not the trip, in the case of canceling you must briefly state in the system the reason for your decision.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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