How to round decimals down in Excel

When it comes to statistics, Excel has become our best ally. And it is that this program, although it was founded years ago, has remained in the ranking of the best due to its easy handling. That is why today you will learn how to round decimals down in Excel automatically.

First of all, this program is made up of a spreadsheet made up of a series of cells. There you can work with numbers in a simple way , and do mathematical calculations immediately.

Round decimals down in Excel automatically

The method that we will teach you this time is called rounding, to use it we will write the word ‘= round’ right in the column next to our decimal.

Next we select the option ‘= rounding.minus’. After this we open a parenthesis and  click on the number to modify , add ‘;’ and we choose the number of decimal places that we want to decrease.

To finish we press the enter key and this command will immediately be applied in the selected cell. In a more graphical way, our function should look like this: = round minus (C4; 1).

This function allows us to reduce the time spent on our jobs and facilitates in one way or another the mathematical calculations through formulas that Excel contains.

What is Excel?

It is a Microsoft application, and its main purpose is to make and facilitate calculations. In it you can elaborate calculations, formulas, mathematical operations and you can even calculate a price table. No matter your occupation or profession, this program is easy to use and will help you manage your data.

In the same way, it allows us to choose different designs from which you can select the one that matches your personality or the objective you are pursuing.

It also has the style table options , where you can select the rows / columns that you want to hide or show.

This has now become almost essential in large companies, since it is compatible with various programs. In short, this is a giant calculator that makes it easy for you to interpret your data.

Why use Excel?

The main reason is that it allows us, believe it or not, to obtain a much higher value in our curriculum synthesis. Because 90% of companies use this software , therefore its use is essential when employing new people

In addition to being a completely free and easily accessible system, it has an infinite number of functions ranging from a database to creating graphics with texts. It also allows you to improve your presentations when showing your results, which will make it easier for you to read large amounts of information.

And if you are the owner of a company, this is the program you have been looking for so much! to graphically organize your finances. It also has conditional formatting and data validation.

And if that were not enough, it allows you to use formulas created by the user that adapts to your needs, thus enabling your business. And thus generating a much more successful company.

Excel tricks

Change the autosave time of our document, in some cases it is usually quite stormy when our PC gets stuck and we lose all the information that we had captured.

In case you didn’t know, Excel automatically saves a copy of the document, which by default is 10 minutes. This can be edited in the File> Options> Save option 

We go to the box that says ‘Save information every’ and click on the 1 minute tab. We select Apply and voila, this will no longer be a problem.

Another trick of this system is to be able to perform an advanced search with wildcard characters with the Ctrl + B key combination.

Immediately a box will open where we can search for a text or number that is located in our spreadsheet.

We do not necessarily have to put the whole word or number , if the case were that we do not remember it completely. This option allows us only to place the word or sign that we remember. And it will immediately give us all the results available in the document.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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