How To Put Parental Controls on Tiktok;5 Methods

How To Put Parental Controls on Tiktok.More and more platforms take into account the risks that exist in their environment for minors . Reason why parental control has been developed, so that parents can protect the integrity of their children. The TikTok application includes in its configuration the parental control function, which when executed allows you to manage functions that are potentially risky for a minor.

Index(  )

  1. Why should we keep a check on what our children see on TikTok?
  2. What is the family safety mode that TikTok has?
  3. How does the family safe mode work on TikTok?
  4. What is the procedure to activate the family safety mode in the TikTok app?
    1. How to set TikTok limitations
  5. How can I limit my usage time on TikTok?
  6. How can I prevent my child from downloading TikTok on my cell phone or yours?

Why should we keep a check on what our children see on TikTok?

TikTok is a platform that targets people over 12 years of age . This is because the content that circulates on the application platform is particularly based on challenges, dances and activities that could be a risk to the integrity of the user.

Since, although they are not directly invited to action, those who do not have enough maturity or their own criteria will not hesitate to put themselves at risk to add some visits or followers in the application. Scenarios that you can reduce if you are aware of the content that your child views on TikTok.

In this way, TikTok allows you to apply parental controls, limits and monitor the content that your child will have access to on the platform. Which consequently, gives you assurance that the mental and physical integrity of your child will be safe.

How To Put Parental Controls on Tiktok.

The first step is to enter the TikTok platform from your mobile device , to go to the ‘Settings’ option. This option is located in your profile section on the platform. There, you can identify the section identified as ‘Content and Activity’, and followed by this, you must enter the section called ‘Family Synchronization’ .

Once you are in the panel for family synchronization, the TikTok platform will ask you to specify if you are the parent or legal guardian of a young person. Then a QR code will be generated on the screen that you will have to scan from your child’s mobile device.

To be able to scan the QR code correctly , you must repeat the previous procedure but this time from the application on your child’s mobile device. After stating that it is the account of a minor, in the ‘Family Synchronization’ section; you can proceed to scan the QR code on your device . What will link the account of each one, on their respective mobile devices.

How to set TikTok limitations

Once you have formalized the synchronization of the accounts, you will immediately have access to the parental settings of your child’s account. Each available option is designated to a content customization feature offered by the platform.

  • Manage the search option: You can limit searches related to hashtags, categories and users.
  • Enable restricted mode: This option will allow TikTok to restrict categories on its own, to reduce exposure to inappropriate content.
  • Configure the comments: If your child publishes content, you can limit or mute the comments that he receives in that box of the videos he publishes.
  • Manage messaging: You have the ability to define which users will be able to send your children messages through the application’s chat tray; as well as deactivate this option if you wish.

To limit the period of time that your child uses TikTok, you must access the ‘Family Synchronization’ settings, in the ‘Settings’ of your profile in the application. This function is identified as ‘Screen time management’ , and by selecting it, you will be able to customize the amount of time per day that your child will have to enjoy the application.

How can I prevent my child from downloading TikTok on my cell phone or yours?

Parental control options have been adopted by different platforms, one of them being the application stores. To manage the applications that your child can access, you can rely on the Family Link platform .

This service allows you to link the mobile devices of family members, as well as their accounts in the application store. In this way, whoever has registered as a guardian can approve or disapprove the installation of each application that one of the minors wishes to add to their device.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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