How to put color gradients on top of my photos with Canva

Improve the design of your photos and images with Canva. Today we will show you how to put color gradients on top of my photos with Canva. It is a very useful tool with which you can create fantastic designs and give your presentations a unique touch.

It has happened to all of us to find ourselves in a jam when it comes to choosing the color scheme for an image, and not because this is difficult to do. The complicated thing really is being able to choose one of the infinity of colors that exist.

With Canva, you can let your imagination run wild, as it has an infinity of tools that will allow you to create everything you can think of (you can even make a pixel effect in Canva ), either to design a presentation for a social network, or to create documents for a job or business. And best of all, you can do it for free and without the need to download applications.

Canva is an image and video editor that is used through its online platform. To do this, you will need to create a profile using the information from your Google or Facebook account.

How to put color gradients on top of my photos with Canva in a few steps

Ideally, to be able to create a gradient in an image is to choose two colors as a base: one neutral and one that enhances. You must ensure that both combine. To choose a neutral color, we recommend that you use colors such as white, black, gray, beige or brown. Well, they are the easiest to combine.

You also need to define tints and shadows. As shadows, we do not refer to the darker colors and as tints those that will give more light to your image.

Once you have defined the colors you want to use, you must choose the model or the shape of the gradient that you want to put on your image. To do this, go to the Elements tab that you have in the menu on your left.

Once you have entered this tab, the next thing will be to look for the Gradients section > See all. Choose any of the designs offered by the Canva page by clicking on it to take it to the edit sheet.

Don’t worry if the colors don’t convince you. You just have to base yourself on the shape of each one. Once you have chosen a model you can customize the colors from the toolbar at the top of the screen.

When you have chosen it, click on one of the colors that you want to modify. The solid color palette will open. If you want to create a new color, click on New color . One by one, change the colors.

You can add more than one gradient or remove any that don’t convince you from the trash can icon in the upper right corner of the screen. At the same time, you can also choose to make borders with gradient colors if you wish.

How to define the transparency of a gradient or an image with Canva

You can set the transparency of a gradient or an image with Canva quickly and easily.

Whatever element you have incorporated into your design sheet, you can modify the transparency, so that when two or more images or gradients are superimposed, one stands out above the other.

To do this, select the element you want to edit, be it an image or a text. From the toolbar at the top of the screen, click on the icon with the three dots to see more options.

From there, select the squares icon to modify the transparency. Swipe from left to right to decrease or increase it. Then click anywhere on the screen to exit.

Do the same with all the necessary elements. When you finish your edit, don’t forget to save it and download it to your computer or mobile device.

And with that everything is ready, so you can start making your gradients, however remember that this program has many functions, so it is not bad that you keep looking for things about it, such as: how to make a Polaroid effect realistic in Canva ?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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