How to promote the Telegram channel

How to promote the Telegram channel and be able to consolidate your position on the web and maybe even make money? No, we are not crazy at all and what we are talking about can represent an opportunity for personal growth for you if you know how to take it.

If, thanks to our guides, Telegram has no more secrets for you in its meaning of instant messaging service, we believe that the time has come for you to become aware of all those advanced features available to this reality.

As usual, all you have to do is take some time, sit in your favorite chair and throw yourself headlong into reading this article. Are you ready then? Let’s start.


  • Increase subscribers to your Telegram channel? You can thanks to advertising!
    • Mutual sponsor
    • Paid sponsor
  • How to see subscribers on the Telegram channel
  • Telegram sponsor lists
  • Channels for Telegram sponsors
  • Telegram bot to advertise
  • Buy subscribers Telegram channel
  • Other indications to increase Telegram channel subscribers

Increase subscribers to your Telegram channel? You can thanks to advertising!

This guide is to be considered valid both for those who want to create a Telegram channel and for those who already have a personal Telegram channel for which they always spend the maximum of their efforts to produce quality content but despite this the subscribers do not increase.

You have no reason to be discouraged, you can easily solve this situation thanks to advertising. What are we talking about? We tell you right away.

So, you must know that on Telegram it is possible to sponsor a third channel so that it has greater visibility and therefore a greater influx of users and now we will illustrate exactly how to do it.

Mutual sponsor

You may not have fully mastered all the advanced marketing techniques, but we are sure that the concept of reciprocal sponsorship is something easy to understand.

What is it about? Simply in an agreement between two Telegram channels , or rather between their respective administrators, so that advertising posts are periodically published.

You can consider it as a mutual courtesy capable of increasing both channels in popularity and subscriber numbers.

Paid sponsor

On Telegram there are channels that boast thousands of users and the most important ones, as it is logical to assume, receive requests for mutual sponsorship on a daily basis and obviously cannot satisfy everyone.

What to do in these cases? You could, for example, opt for a paid sponsor. It is a practice whereby a certain amount is allocated to a third-party channel to advertise ours .

But let’s get down to the practical one. Do you have a channel that talks about technology? In your opinion, how successful would you be in proposing a sponsorship to a channel that talks about cooking recipes?

So one of the tricks is to interface with channels with similar contents .

Read also: The best Telegram channels

How to see subscribers on the Telegram channel

Thanks to our advice, your Telegram channel is slowly growing every day and now you find yourself with more and more users?

Maybe you would like to be able to see in detail who the new subscribers are so as to devise a better management line for users.

How to do?

Easier to do than to say! Just open the app, go to the Chat section by selecting the channel of your interest, click on the name placed in the top bar and all the regularly registered users will appear, as well as those enabled to act as administrator and / or moderator.

Warning : only channel administrators can see the actual subscriber list.

Telegram sponsor lists

How to promote the Telegram channel through the sponsor lists?

Yes, we already know what you are thinking: but how, we talked about sponsorship a little while ago and here comes the same topic again?

The sponsor lists , however, are something different from the usual advertisements that we have already covered and now we will explain to you in detail why.

Imagine having a single post in which a dozen channels sponsor you at the same time and in the same way, what would the final result be? If you answered some kind of super sponsorship, in fact, you didn’t get very far from the truth.

A sponsor list is in fact just that: a list in which different channels use the same advertising post, reserving a specific line for their own reality through which they invite users to register.

Know, however, that very often you will find yourself sharing the space with other channels perhaps far from your fields of interest, so carefully consider the pros and cons.

Channels for Telegram sponsors

If the solution that we have just indicated has managed to pique your curiosity and you already look forward to the moment in which you will be able to see the subscribers to your channel increase exponentially, then it means that we can move on to the practical aspect.

Regardless of whether you choose to contact the sponsor lists or individual sponsorships on a specific channel, you will agree that the first step will be to identify the right channels with which to interface.

And where can you find these channels ? If you tremble at the very thought of having to scan the entire web to find maybe a sponsorship that will turn out to be bogus, know that you can abandon your fears and find peace of mind.

By now you should know that we are able to offer you only reliable and simple solutions; so we tell you, very sincerely, that the only effort you will have to make will be to open the Telegram app.

Yes, you got it right, all you need is some functionality within the app itself. After starting Telegram on your device, locate the ‘ icon magnifying glass at the top on the right and from there simply type: l iste sponsor or sponsors channels .

The results obtained will allow you to apply further filtering by selecting them based on the number of registered users and the topics covered. Thanks to this you can easily find the right channel for you to contact.

Telegram bot to advertise

In spite of everything, are you still doubtful and afraid of not being able to know how to move correctly in the sponsorship sector ? Maybe you would also like to rely on the solutions we have indicated to you but how could you be sure that you have made the most suitable choice?

You can rest assured, we still have another ace up our sleeve to show you, that of bots .

What are bots? Bots in Telegram are nothing more than tiny programs conceived and designed to allow the user to automate various functions.

They are so widespread that you could think of any activity or field of interest and you would still find a bot capable of performing that specific function within the app.

But what you are interested in is advertising, right? And then let’s get to the heart of the topic.

Are there any sponsor bots you are wondering? And the answer is: absolutely yes.

These specific programs will help you interface with other channels with similar themes to those you deal with, and they can also be set up to facilitate the periodization of sponsor announcements.

And where can you find these sponsor bots? Simply within Telegram ! Just open the app, click on the magnifying glass icon at the top right, type sponsorbot and start the search.

Once you have identified the most suitable one, remember to enter it as an administrator of your channel, then find a test post on your channel and forward it to the chosen sponsor bot. By doing this you will have connected the channel to the bot.

Ah, did we tell you that through the bot you can also search for channels by number of subscribers , categories , themes , carry out an advanced search , as well as schedule the sending of posts automatically ?

Already from these few functions you will understand how contacting a sponsor bot is the best thing you can do.

Read also: The best Telegram bots

Buy subscribers Telegram channel

How to promote Telegram channel with a simple click? You might, for example, decide to buy subscribers directly .

First of all we want to reassure you by saying that it is a totally legal practice and not opposed in any way by the platform, secondly know that the operation requires a minimum of attention from you.

Obviously, by purchasing subscribers for your channel you will get the effect of appearing much more credible than you were before, on the web the numerical issue still has its own specific weight, and you could also take the opportunity to propose increasingly professional content.

How to buy Telegram subscribers? The best advice we can give you is to contact only recognized platforms with excellent reliability given by many years of work in the sector.

Among the best are: SocialADS , 1Milionedifan , BuyFollowers .

Be wary of all sites that offer you exponential increases in subscribers at laughable costs, the possibility that it is a scam are very high.

With a small expense on the right portals you will finally be able to see your Telegram channel promoted and advertised as you have always wanted.

Other indications to increase Telegram channel subscribers

Here are other simple guidelines that should not be underestimated and that with the right foresight will increase the subscribers to your Telegram channel.

  • Add a banneror link of your telegram channel on your website or blog to advertise it.
  • Provide a preview of your channelupon login by replacing the official URL with this: .
  • Create originaland quality articles .
  • Publish dailyand constantly.
  • Create guest postson other sites where you sponsor your Telegram channel.
  • Use your Telegram channel URL when signing your site’s articles.
  • Create Telegram groupswith a topic of your channel in order to sponsor it.
  • Share and sponsor on social networks like FacebookInstagram and Twitter .
  • Create contestsand encourage users to collaborate.
  • Collaborate with other channels.
  • Leverage botsand connect them to your channel for your purpose.
  • Advertise your channelon resources such as: InsideBind , TelegramItalia , ProgressTelegram , TopCanali but also on Community dedicated to Telegram on social networks such as Facebook.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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