How to prepare a claim to the Credit Bureau

If your credit history does not correspond to reality, perhaps right now you are wondering how to make claims to Buró de Crédito.

How to Make Claims against Inaccurate Credit Bureau Information

You are about to buy that product that you have longed for so much and suddenly the seller says to you: “I’m very sorry, your credit has not been approved. But you think that is not possible, you have always paid your fees on time and have not left debts to recover; there definitely has to be a bug.

Or perhaps you have requested your credit history known as a Special Credit Report and you were surprised to see that in the summary of your credits, exclamation marks appear in yellow or even in red. You may wonder how to correct the history information? that you think is a mistake.

In principle, it is good that you know that any erroneous or inaccurate information about your credit history can be corrected. And it is a right that you enjoy as a consumer. Don’t worry, here we briefly explain how to file claims with the Credit Bureau.

How to prepare a claim to the Credit Bureau

Before making a claim, keep in mind that you can check the Credit Bureau to know your history and see how your accounts are doing. After taking the exam you can request a Special Credit Report. Which you can get completely free once a year, making the request by email, phone or fax (Specialized Customer Service Unit, UEAC).

You can make other requests per year inclusive, but from the second they would have a cost that ranges from $ 34.20 to $ 217.20, depending on the means selected for your request.

Once you have obtained your credit history, verify the information that appears in the “Summary of Credits” section. Focusing especially on the “Behavior” section, in which the status of your credits is graphically expressed.

Ideally, they all appear validated with a green check mark approval symbol, which indicates to those who consult your Credit Bureau that you have paid everything on time .

Now, what you should worry about are those that are marked with exclamation marks in yellow or with Xs in red, as they indicate that you have had problems with one or more of your credits. If you consider that some of these marked in yellow or red are wrong, this is when you must make claims to the Credit Bureau.

One aspect that you should not forget is that this platform has implemented the creation of alerts in the credit bureau to know the movements that are made daily. This is an extremely valid option so don’t miss it.

How to make a claim

Making a claim with Buró de Crédito is very simple and you can do it online by entering the website. To make claims, follow the following process:

  • Click start to begin the process.
  • Complete the requested data:
    • Full name.
    • Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC).
    • Consultation Folio for the Special Credit Report.
    • Account numbers of some credits that remain active.
  • Select the way you want to receive the clarification communication:
    • Email.
    • Fax.
    • Specialized Customer Service Unit (UEAC).
    • Certified mail.
  • Reason for clarification, accompanied by the following precautions:
    • Name, RFC, date of birth.
    • Private or work addresses.
    • Eliminate any credit that appears with which you have no relationship.

Remember that you must have at hand the supports of the payments made, account statements and a Special Credit Report. The latter must be recent, no more than 90 days old. You have the right to make 2 free claims a year, after which any consultation made must be canceled according to the current rates.

Once the request for clarification has been made, you will be assigned a folio number, your record will be classified as “Contested Registration”. And you must wait a maximum of 29 calendar days to receive your response.

If you are notified that the claim has been appropriate, the Credit Bureau will correct your records and update them. And you will receive a copy of it, like all those entities that have requested your credit record during the last semester.

Otherwise, you can make a new request for clarification that includes a Declaration of up to 1,000 words. At the same time, you can block your Credit Bureau to protect your identity and your banking movements. We hope that this post will help you solve the problems that you present.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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