Isle of Rebirth All Locations And Loot;Call of Duty Warzone map

Isle of Rebirth All Locations And Loot;Call of Duty Warzone map.We show you how to access the new Call of Duty Warzone map; the Isle of Rebirth and all its locations along with its loot rarities and much more.Call of Duty: Warzone has received its second Battle Royale map with the release of Season 1 of COD: Black Ops Cold War . This map offers a very interesting game alternative and new locations where we can face our enemies for victory. Here we tell you how to access the Island of Rebirth and much more.

Isle of Rebirth All Locations And Loot;Call of Duty Warzone map

Isle of Rebirth All Locations And Loot;Call of Duty Warzone map.

Isle of Rebirth All Locations And Loot;Call of Duty Warzone map

The new map of Warzone is known as the Island of Rebirth, in English Rebirth Island . Actually even though it has this name, you will all recognize it as a reimagined Alcatraz Prison seen previously in Blackout. Access to this map is free for all players, although at least at launch it can be a bit confusing to find the option to play on it.

  • At the time of this writing, the Isle of Reborn is available under the Reborn event, only in a specific mode.
  • To play on the Island of Rebirth map in Warzone you must choose the Rise – Threesomes playlist.
  • This option may change in future events and updates, so always pay attentionto the available lists.

To be completely sure that you are going to play a game on this map, you just have to look at the lower left corner of the lobby screen , because there you will see the mode you are going to play and also on which map. Make sure it says Isla del Renacer, and voila.

All locations and loot on the Isle of Rebirth

The Isle of Rebirth is a significantly smaller map than Verdansk . In this location the maximum number of players allowed is 40 . It also has a custom Gulag , various vehicles and an attack helicopter. Their locations are fewer, yes, but they expect encounters just as tense and faster if possible.

To help you know the new map, here below you can see an image with all the locations and we will also tell you the level of loot in each one, so you will know which are the best locations to jump and start the game on the right foot.

In total there are 32 named points of interest on the Isle of Rebirth, here are the loot rarity levels in each area:

Location no. Name Loot Level / Rarity
1 White house and jetty Low
2 Biological weapons laboratory High
3 Decontamination building High
4 Chemical engineering factory Half
5 Chemical Engineering Office Very high
6 Hilltop and water tower Medium / low
7 Power room and gazebo Medium / high
8 Playground Medium / low
9 Terrace and morgue Medium / low
10 Chemical Engineering Power Station Medium / high
eleven Prison Block (Basement) Medium / high
12 Prison block Very high
13 Guards entrance Half
14 Supplies, helipad and watchtower Medium / low
fifteen Communications office Medium / low
16 Port warehouse Medium / high
17 Works and jetty Medium / low
18 Plays Medium / low
19 Headquarters and watchtower Medium / high
twenty Headquarters command center Very high
twenty-one Garrison Headquarters Medium / high
22 Stairs and garden Low
23 Factory High
24 Springs High
25 Base camp Medium / high
26 Room block n.9 Medium / high
27 Room blocks Medium / high
28 Package delivery and reception Medium / high
29 Returns, warehouse and jetty Low
30 Safety area crater Medium / low
31 Security area communications station Medium / low
32 Helipad and security area watchtower Medium / high