How to Master the Scrabble Word Game

The Scrabble word game seems simple to most people. Most people know scrabble as a game in which you form the words with the provided letters on a board. To most people, scrabble seems interesting, but it may be challenging to guess the words and win the game. Even if you read books, you still find it difficult to play the game. So, in this post, we have offered some effective tips to enhance your chances of winning every time you play scrabble. 

Improve your Vocabulary

Create a strategy around the highest scoring tiles in the game. The letters J and X will let you earn 8 points each, and Z will earn 10. There are tons of words you can create using their magical letters of various lengths. Create a list of words you can make with these letters and study it to have a mental word bank from which you can withdraw the words while playing scrabble. 

Learn the Q Words 

Q is one of the tiles with the highest point value in Scrabble, along with Z. Most people are likely to get stuck in the Q tile as they don’t have a U to get along with Q. There are plenty of words that don’t need the letter U, such as Qaid, Qat, Qi and Qaf. You can create a list of these words and read them regularly to memorize. Plan for the Q to be a double or triple letter square to blow away the opponent with a quick, short word. 

Use Words Without Vowels

In spite of the last tip, you might wind up with a rack of consonants and be similarly puzzled. There are various words without vowels that are great to have in your memory bank. Scrabble believes specific likenesses in sound to be words, which is helpful for this game. 

You can empty your consonant tiles with words like Brr, Gee, Psst, Pfft, Shh, Tsk. There are additionally ordinary words to remember that comprise completely of vowels like By, Cry, Mood, Grave, Glyph, Scry, from there, the sky’s the limit. You can use those words without using the vowels and earn points instantly.

Practice 2 and 3 letter words

Most players focus on long words, but short are even more valuable. You need short words to increase your final score to win, especially at the end of the game. Also, you will need to get creative later in the game, as the spaces for long words become sparse. Of course, short words are useful to get double words when you place a single letter to create two words to grab more points. 

Learn the use of S

As there are plenty of words containing the S letter, learning such words will definitely improve your vocabulary. However, you can also add “S” to the end of a word on the board to make it a plural. The game comprises only four “S” tiles. So with your move, you should earn a minimum 10 points to make it worth it. 

Try to use the “S” only when you are sure it can add 8 to 10 points to a turn. The blank tiles can stand in as any letter, though they will not help you make any points. You can make the best use of blank tiles to form a seven-letter word. You should not use them unless they help you earn an extra 25 points.

Use the bonus tiles

You won’t play well in Scrabble, if you ignore the double/triple, letters and word spaces. You should use these spots, even if you are not getting high scoring words. Doing so will cut off your opponents, preventing them from running up their scores.

Know your prefixes and suffixes

Knowing the word with suffixes and prefixes will enable you to piggyback off the score of your opponents. Some common examples of suffixes can be S,  -ER,  -ED,  -LY, -ING, -ENT, -IEST,  -ITY, -FUL, -NESS,  -AL, -CY,-TION,  NON-, -ITE, EX-,  PRE-, TRI-, and MIS.

Let us take an example, if you add a suffix “ER” to the word “JUMP,”, you can create “JUMPER.” In addition, if your opponent plays the word “LOCK”, you can add a prefix like “UN” to create “UNLOCK” to rack up new points. 

Use a Word Finder Tool

Word finder tools are of great help when it comes to playing the scrabble game. It is always better to have a useful word making tool for scrabble that helps you when you get stuck while playing the game. Having such a word finder tool at your disposal can help you blow your opponents and ensure your victory every time you play Scrabble or other word games.

Use Parallels Wisely

Sometimes, you might wind up with a whole rack of vowel tiles. A good approach to decisively dump these tiles is to utilize matches. Search for chances to shape different 2-letter words, with one more word layered on top of one more word currently on the board. 

You will pile up focuses from the new word alongside every one of the focuses from two extra letter words framed by the equal. You will likewise dispose of certain vowels, so you can draw a few new tiles. 

Summing Up

Playing Scrabble can be fun when you have a strong vocabulary and know some effective tips to win. Having a precise word finder tool and knowing the accurate use of tiles can help you score better in a single chance. Following the tips in this post can improve your chances of winning the Scrabble every time you play the game. 

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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